8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. (2 Corinthians 4.8-10NVI).
8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. (2 Corinthians 4.8-10NVI).
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from your co-workers to the Portuguese-Speaking world!
We're going to give you some of the highlights of the ministry God has done through us during the first 6 months of this year! Even though we were busy taking care of Monica, we didn't stop working for our Lord and His Kingdom!
Monica’s Health: As most of you know, Monica suffered with terrible headaches for over two years, and was diagnosed with a brain tumor on February 28, 2008. The brain tumor was removed April 1st, and she's still recuperating from the surgery. Her vision isn't perfect yet, and her brain still leaks some fluid into her right ear. The doctors believe everything will come back together in a few months. In August, Monica's supposed to go through a new CAT Scan; if the brain leakage doesn't stop by then, she may need to go through a new surgery. We received a total of $55,095,16 (US Dollar) in gifts to help pay for Monica's surgery and treatment (Praise the Lord!). As of now, we've spent $30,090.57 (US Dollar); we still have some bills to come, plus the continuation of her treatment. We serve a mighty God! We would like to thank each and everyone of you who has prayed for Monica and for us during this difficult time, and thank each and everyone who was able to send a gift for this purpose. May the Lord bless you richly in Christ Jesus; please continue to pray for Monica's total recovery!
12 Days of Purpose: From January 2nd through the 13th at the Church in CLP (Campo Limpo Paulista) we had services every day; each of the 12 days represented one month of the year. We were giving the Lord the "first fruits" the first days of the year, asking Him to guide and bless each of the 12 months of the year. I (Jeff) preached, all 12 days!
12 Days of Purpose: From January 2nd through the 13th at the Church in CLP (Campo Limpo Paulista) we had services every day; each of the 12 days represented one month of the year. We were giving the Lord the "first fruits" the first days of the year, asking Him to guide and bless each of the 12 months of the year. I (Jeff) preached, all 12 days!
Team From Goias (Jan 17-28): We received a visit from a team of 5 youth leaders from 5 different Christian Churches/Churches of Christ from the state of Goais. The purpose of their visit was to promote evangelism. During their visit, they trained evangelistic teams at the RLM churches in CLP, Carraozinho & Pirituba, and we had opportunity to promote street evangelism at all three locations.
CLP Church Anniversary (Jan 26): We celebrated our third year since we had our first service at this location in CLP. This church was planted with the support of First Christian Church in Johnson City, TN. We started with 11 members in January 2005 - now we have over 100! God is good! We're working directly with the local church on a daily basis.
New Addition (Feb 4-5, 16-17): We about finished with all the construction at CLP Church building. We were going to build a wall with the names on the bricks of the people that helped financially with this construction. Since the building does not belong to the church yet, we decided to make a plate with the names and attach to the wall.
Women’s Tea (Feb 16): Every couple of months, on Saturday afternoon, the ladies at CLP church promote a women's outreach, offering tea in the afternoon. Monica helps organize, and gives a meditation.
Carraozinho Church Anniversary (Feb 23): This church plant celebrated its first anniversary. This church it is being planted with the support of Seymour Heights Christian Church, Seymour, TN. It began with 18 members, and now has over 40. Brother Gilberto and his wife Patricia are responsible for this new church work.
Visit from our Forwarding Agent: My (Jeff) sister Elena, who is our forwarding agent visit us in March. It was a blessing to have her over, as we were preparing for Monica’s surgery.
Resurrection Celebration (Mar 23): Every year for the last 3 years, we gather all RLM churches into one location to celebrate Christ's resurrection. We met this year at the Fire Brigade rest area in Franco da Rocha, Sao Paulo. At this opportunity all churches blessed us with special music, we had communion and a great Brazilian Steak lunch.
7 Baptized (Mar 23): During the Resurrection Celebration, we baptized 4 from the Carraozinho Church, 2 from the Pirituba Church, and 1 from CLP Church.
Youth Outreach (Mar 29): All RLM churches got together at Pirituba Church for this outreach; it was a blessing!
Visit from Mozambique (Apr 3 to 8): We were privileged to have a visit from Kleber and Juracema. They were accompanied by 4 Mozambicans who came to visit the churches in Brazil. They stayed in Brazil for about 6 months, visiting the churches in the center, west and north, and on their way back to Mozambique they visited the RLM churches in Sao Paulo.
Roger’s Birthday (Apr 30): Roger celebrated his 15 birthday and he asked to spend the day at a summing pool. Roger plays basketball for the city team, and he sings and plays drums for the worship team at CLP Church.
Visit from FCC, Johnson City, TN (May 7 to 13): We received a visit from Brothers Ron and Phil Blackmore; Ron is an elder at FCC, and is a Medical Dr. He & his father, Brother Phil, came accompanying my parents (Tom and Libby); the purpose of their trip was to help my parents travel, and to see how we were doing (especially to see if Monica was getting all the medical assistance she needed.) Brother Ron preached at our Friday and Sunday services at CLP. We felt much loved by Christ through these brothers' visit. Thanks, FCC, for sending them to us!
This is what Brother Ron Blackmore had to say about his visit to Brazil: “Jeff, Thank you for taking such good care of us during our visit surrounding the week of May 11th (mother's day). We were very happy to travel with your parents to see you and work with the church. I'm not sure if we helped them arrive safely, or if they helped us arrive at the proper destination...either way, we finally arrived! The time we were able to spend with Monica and the boys was wonderful. Thank you for allowing me to bring the message of God from the book of Nehemiah at the Friday and Sunday services. I was humbled and excited, as my training is in medicine and not preaching. My father and I very much enjoyed the spirit of the church and the strong desire for learning the Word observed in the services and the Saturday Bible training. We had many highlights which included knowing your family, watching the elders lead, seeing the children learn and sing, being a part of the youth group activity, and of course playing soccer on Sunday morning (the Lord's soccer)- we were sore for a week! I believe most of all we enjoyed spending time with Christ's most precious bride, whether it is in Tennessee or Brazil. May God continue to grow, strengthen, and purify his Church.”
Visit from my Parents (May 6 through June 10): During the time they were with us in Sao Paulo, dad taught Hermeneutics at our Bible College at CLP Church. He also preached two Sundays. They also visited my brother Tchico and his family in Goiania for a couple of weeks, and they spoke at the church at north Goiania.
Bible College: We've been praying for a long time, asking for the opportunity to start our Bible College, and finally the time came to start. The classes are held two Saturdays per month from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The first class, Hermeneutics, was taught by my father May 10 and 17. We started with 20 students from 4 different churches. In June I (Jeff) taught Eschatology; July is a vacation month and in August the classes will resume.
Men’s Breakfast (May 18): At CLP Church, my father spoke to the men this time. This ministry believes in investing in our men, and we're blessed with a church full of good working men.
Visit from Portugal (May 29 through June 2): My brother Robert Fife, missionary in Portugal, came to Brazil to take care of some personal business and also to attend a conference; we had the privilege of having him with us for a few days. During the time he was with us, he spoke at CLP church on Friday and Sunday and at Sao Bernardo do Campo Church on Saturday.
Surprise (June 1): My brother Fife MacDuff that works for the USA Government in the Middle East, and my brother Tchico who lives in Goiania, were in Sao Paulo and came to our service at CLP. Since Robert was visiting from Portugal we had the four brothers in the same location, this was a great surprise!
Thanksgiving Service (May 7): At CLP Church we had our celebration of thanks-giving for Monica's life. The church was packed, there were people from many churches and cities; it's amazing how the Lord has used Monica's illness to reach and touch so many people in the world. He is a Mighty God! It was a very emotional service! Monica sat at the piano, even though she could not see straight, and told her testimony. She played the piano and sang and read the scriptures God had put in her heart since February 28, when we discovered she had the tumor, up until that day. It was beautiful and amazing! Praise the Lord!
Isaac’s Birthday (June 16): Isaac celebrated his 11 birthday. Isaac was born for sports and he is an excellent drummer!
Visit from Bethany CC, Bumpass, VA, (June 20 to 30): A team of 8, led by youth minister Scott Brand, blessed us with their visit. During the time they were with us they finished painting outside, and also painted the inside of the CLP Church. They worked very hard! They also blessed the churches at Carraozinho, Pirituba and CLP with their messages. Scott attended JBC with me, so this was a very special visit. Two of his daughters, Sarah and Hannah, were on the team. Hannah went to school with Roger for 3 1/2 years. He also brought two sponsors, Brother Mike Yancey, who is an elder at BCC, and his daughter Sarah Yancey. Other students on the trip were Dakota Bryant, Tracy Wilkerson and Eric Martin.
To see more pictures of Bethany Christian Church Visit to Brazil acess the link below: http://photos.walmart.com/shareethumbnailshare/AlbumID=29095346/p=31991215626523395/l=11566683/g=17845589/albumcount=2/action=2293/pns/share/p=31991215626523395/l=11566683/g=17845589/cobrandOid=1011/otsc=SYE/otsi=SALB
This is what Scott Brand had to say about his visit to Brazil: “In 2003, God clearly called our youth group to go and serve with River of Life Ministry in Sao Paulo, Brasil. As clear as the call was, it still took years for the trip to come to fruition. However, I am happy to report that this past June (2008), we finally made the journey. I cannot explain, nor is it necessary to do so, why it took five years for the trip to happen, but I am convinced that all was in God’s perfect timing. And though I am saddened because some who initially wanted to serve couldn’t make this trip, I am elated for those who did get to go this time. It was pure joy for me as their youth minister to watch students “come alive” in their Faith and put into action lessons learned. My only wish was that their loved ones could have also witnessed them glowing and growing through service and that they could have seen Christ in action through them.
Many times, it seems, mission trip reports must include facts and figures to somehow attempt to justify the costs (both financially and otherwise). However, that is not my desire. Suffice it to say that each student who attended would eagerly return on a future trip. As alleged leader and trip coordinator, I had two objectives for our group which, in my opinion, both were accomplished. (My goals for our trip were; 1. That we would be an encouragement to the Church in Brasil and 2. That we would grow in our love for cultures beyond our own.) Our students got to share a message with several congregations within the River of Life family. The main point of their message was growing the Fruit of The Sprit. As I was reflecting on our trip during the plane ride home, I thought about fruit and that each fruit tree started from only a tiny seed. From my vantage point, I can assure you that during our trip seeds were planted on both sides of the equator. When those seeds mature and blossom into delicious fruit, only God knows for sure. However, back in Virginia, I have already seen new buds that were not there a month ago. God is Good…All the Time. Thank you Fife’s (and Brasil) for allowing us to come. We are blessed!” Bethany Youth Group (Scott Brand)
Many times, it seems, mission trip reports must include facts and figures to somehow attempt to justify the costs (both financially and otherwise). However, that is not my desire. Suffice it to say that each student who attended would eagerly return on a future trip. As alleged leader and trip coordinator, I had two objectives for our group which, in my opinion, both were accomplished. (My goals for our trip were; 1. That we would be an encouragement to the Church in Brasil and 2. That we would grow in our love for cultures beyond our own.) Our students got to share a message with several congregations within the River of Life family. The main point of their message was growing the Fruit of The Sprit. As I was reflecting on our trip during the plane ride home, I thought about fruit and that each fruit tree started from only a tiny seed. From my vantage point, I can assure you that during our trip seeds were planted on both sides of the equator. When those seeds mature and blossom into delicious fruit, only God knows for sure. However, back in Virginia, I have already seen new buds that were not there a month ago. God is Good…All the Time. Thank you Fife’s (and Brasil) for allowing us to come. We are blessed!” Bethany Youth Group (Scott Brand)
Women’s Tea (June 28): This was the first tea since Monica had her surgery, and she was able to speak; everyone was very happy!
Furlough 2008: We had planned to visit our supporting churches, family and friends during the month of July. But since Monica's green card has expired and for her to renew her green card she needs to move back to the USA, we decided to ask for a visa for her to come to the USA. Roger, Isaac and I have dual citizenship. The US Consulate in Sao Paulo scheduled an interview for Monica for September 3; that of course was too late, so we asked for an urgent interview and got no response. So, we asked for a Congressman and a Senator to plead for us, and they did - but the Consulate did not think that visiting our supporting churches and attending the World Convention was important enough for an urgent interview. After the interview in September, we'll decide a new date for a future furlough.
Other Work: I (Jeff) meet every first Saturday of the month with leaders from all the RLM churches in Sao Paulo. Monica meets with the children's ministry leaders from the RLM churches during our leaders' meeting. These meetings are to better equip them and help them in their needs. I meet with the small group leaders at CLP Church every two months; we now have 7 groups, averaging 70 people, participating each week.
Vacation: We're planning to take a 10-day vacation during the month of July - just some time to refresh and have some family quality time! Although we take one day per week for our family, after all we've gone through this year, we need some time off!
Mans Breakfast (Jul 27): At CLP Church!
Bible College (Aug 9 and 26): Classes will resume in August!
Woman’s Tea (Aug 23): At CLP Church!
Youth Outreach (Aug 30): At Carraozinho Church!
The Dollar Value: The exchange rate has gone even lower in the last few months - it's now R$1.60 per dollar. The devaluation of the dollar, along with rising prices, makes it hard for us to keep the work going! Please pray for the dollar value to go up, or for God to send us more support! In August, we'll send out our Financial Audit Report with our 2009 Budget!
More Prayer Requests: Pray that God will give us the opportunity to reach people for HIS Kingdom! Pray that the Lord will give us good health! Pray that the Lord will provide all the funds needed. Please pray that the Lord will keep giving us wisdom and discernment, so we can accomplish what He has called us to do. To Him be all honor and glory!
Your prayers and financial support are vital for our lives and ministry! Thanks for your prayers and support!
God is good all the time and all the time God is Good!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff, Monica, Roger, and Isaac Fife
Other Work: I (Jeff) meet every first Saturday of the month with leaders from all the RLM churches in Sao Paulo. Monica meets with the children's ministry leaders from the RLM churches during our leaders' meeting. These meetings are to better equip them and help them in their needs. I meet with the small group leaders at CLP Church every two months; we now have 7 groups, averaging 70 people, participating each week.
Vacation: We're planning to take a 10-day vacation during the month of July - just some time to refresh and have some family quality time! Although we take one day per week for our family, after all we've gone through this year, we need some time off!
Mans Breakfast (Jul 27): At CLP Church!
Bible College (Aug 9 and 26): Classes will resume in August!
Woman’s Tea (Aug 23): At CLP Church!
Youth Outreach (Aug 30): At Carraozinho Church!
The Dollar Value: The exchange rate has gone even lower in the last few months - it's now R$1.60 per dollar. The devaluation of the dollar, along with rising prices, makes it hard for us to keep the work going! Please pray for the dollar value to go up, or for God to send us more support! In August, we'll send out our Financial Audit Report with our 2009 Budget!
More Prayer Requests: Pray that God will give us the opportunity to reach people for HIS Kingdom! Pray that the Lord will give us good health! Pray that the Lord will provide all the funds needed. Please pray that the Lord will keep giving us wisdom and discernment, so we can accomplish what He has called us to do. To Him be all honor and glory!
Your prayers and financial support are vital for our lives and ministry! Thanks for your prayers and support!
God is good all the time and all the time God is Good!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff, Monica, Roger, and Isaac Fife