

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World.
We pray that you all are well and safe.
As we continue to navigate in new waters during this pandemic, God is giving us new ways to serve people, for His honor and glory.
We would like to thank those that were able to help us in purchasing, food baskets, diapers, and other needs in the last 30 days.

We been able to distributed over 500 fruits and vegetables baskets, over 80 food basked, over 200 diapers, many liters of milk and oil and over 100 face masks.

The work continues and the need grows every day, as more people are getting unemployed, and a lot of people that has applied for the USD$120 monthly government help has been dined.

The two churches that has more people in need are Pirituba and Sao Mateus.


Monica and I started Live devotional on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 pm, Brasil time, to keep people from the churches connected and it has been a great blessing as we interact with the people not only in Brasil, but from all over the world.
Monica and I continue to teach, Bible College, through zoon, on Tuesdays, and we continue with the Thursday services online.
On April 14th, Sao Paulo city mayor allowed churches to meet, as long as we keep the Health Department guide lines. However, the governor, has determined that churches should only meet after June 28th.
Brasil is under a big fight among all the politicians, there are too many miss leading information’s and corruption is growing back again.
So, Sunday May 3rd we were back with the services only at the Pirituba Church, and continue live so all the other churches members could participate.
Isaac finished his last class at Johnson University, May 5th, thus he is ready to come to Brasil fulltime and work with us, we need him ASAP, however, he still needs to raise support and the pandemic is not helping, we trust God is in control. We are very proud and thankful parents!
Isaac has been vital for the youth of BROLM’s Churches during this pandemic, he is in touch with the youth on a daily basis, sending encouraging messages and counseling them. Pray that God will continue to give Isaac wisdom!
We been communicating with our coworkers among the Portuguese-Speaking World, and my Brother in Portugal is doing well, the African countries are not having many cases, in Angola and Guine-Bissau has had 2 deaths each and Mozambique no deaths.
Please, pray for us, pray for the ministry, pray for Isaac, as he raises support, and pray for Brasil.

If you can help, we need your help, we are purchasing food baskets for USD$15.00 each, and we have the cost of keeping all the operations going on, plus we are purchasing diapers, milk and oil, we been blessed with fruits, vegetables, and masks donations.

Happy Mother´s Day!
We are praying daily for you all!
Thanks for your prayers and financial support, they are vital for us!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife