
BROLM Report May 2022

"Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." (John 7:38).

The name “Brasil” comes directly from the Pau Brasil tree, a plant native to Brazilian soil. However, the official name is actually the Federative Republic of Brazil. The word Brazil itself means “red as ember”, as well as its origin comes from the Pau Brasil tree, which has a reddish color. Besides, 100 years ago our country was called the United States of Brazil, can you believe it?!

Areas of focus -  Meeting hall and Jundiaí Anniversary. 

Important need - 

Enjoy and share! 



Using the excavator to move dirt for the meeting hall.

Meeting Hall & retreat remodeling

We are excited to announce with your support that we started an important phase at the BROLM retreat! We are building a meeting hall that will be a pavilion where we can better accommodate our people. With that, we are preparing a better parking area, bathrooms, and a kitchen that will be more appropriate for feeding our people during the events. We are grateful for these next steps! 

Current projects: meeting hall, kitchen, and bathroom by the pool and the small soccer field (These are necessary for the accommodations and safety of the people).  

Future projects: Our future projects will be the dorms for the boys or men depending on the event. The house you see at the retreat will be made into a girls or women's dorms. 

We are thankful for our supporters' prayers and financial help! A video is attached to this email showing the work done over the 14 days at the BROLM retreat. If you want to help financially we have the information at the end of this report. 

Leveling the ground for our future parking lot. 

Parts for the pavilion. 

So you have a better idea of the work at the Retreat, please watch these videos:

Jundiaí 12th Anniversary

All the churches gather in São Paulo, Brazil

12 years of the church in Jundiaí! Of course we celebrated the best way possible by gathering the five churches in Sao Paulo. Celebrating one more anniversary, where God has gathered His people to be an impact to the world around us. We were blessed to have Pedro’s baptism, a new life in the body of Christ and an ordination of an elder Edilson that has been beside Ruben (our pastor from Jundiaí that now is under the Throne of Glory). Edilson stayed 2 years in preparation and separated to be able to serve the church in Jundiaí for the glory of God. It was an amazing day of gratitude, because God is still in control and His plans are fulfilled for His glory!

Pedro’s baptism during Jundiaí's 12th anniversary. 

Consecration of Adilson as an elder in Jundiaí. 

Important need 

Our important need is for the churches in Mozambique and their leaders who were affected by the cyclone. We do not have a number, but we believe God will touch your heart to help this time of need in our ministry in Mozambique, Africa. 

Please, continue to help us provide food baskets to those who are in need, we can purchase food baskets for USD$18 each.

God has provided for BROLM to build the meeting and eating hall, kitchen and restrooms, however to build the dorms and remodel what is needed we still need to raise USD$100.000. 


  • Ways you can help financially: 

  • Now you can also donate through PayPal for Brazil River of Life Ministries (BROLM) , your donation will go directly to BROLM’s bank account, and it is tax-deductible.

Go to PayPal.com and donate at roger@brolm.org  

  • P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615

  • BROLM is 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation

If you want to know more about BROLM please get in touch with fife@brolm.org , isaac@brolm.org , or roger@brolm.org we will be more than happy to talk with you! 


BROLM Report April 2022

 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:38)

Brazil has a territorial area of 8,515,767,049 km², while Switzerland has only 41,285 km². Therefore, 206 Switzerlands would fit within our country. Hard to believe, huh?

Get used to the BROLM acronym.

Areas of focus are food baskets and Mozambique. 

Enjoy and share! 



Food Baskets

Using the vehicle for the transportation of food baskets. 

We continue to help those in need in the Sao Paulo area. Between the 5 locations that BROLM has churches we are helping 50 families every month with Food Baskets. Brazil is still struggling with the pandemic, there are many without work and the homeless community in Sao Paulo has grown 30% in the last two years. 


Before the Cyclone. 

After the cyclone. 

The north of Mozambique was hit by Cyclone Gombe on Friday night, March 11, 2022.

Mozambique is a country prone to natural disasters. Floods, droughts, tropical storms, cyclones, etc.

Every year, the warm waters of the Indian Ocean during the rainy season heat the atmosphere causing heavy rains accompanied by large winds forming storms, cyclones in the Mozambique channel. These enter the continent felling trees, destroying houses, bridges, roads and infrastructure leaving many homeless and dead. The greatest impact is always on the coast, and can reach

cities and towns in the interior reaching countries that do not have a sea coast.

Two years ago Mozambique was hit by Cyclones Idai and Kenneth, in the central and northern part, in one of the most severe rainy seasons in Mozambique. In January of this year, tropical storm Ana hit Mozambique, Madagascar, Malawi and Zimbabwe, killing about 100 people.

The tropical storm Gombe reached the Mozambican coast in the category of intense cyclone with torrential rains and winds of 165 to 200 km per hour. The epicenter was between the cities of Nacala-Porto and Angoche (where we have churches). Leaving with no power in 20 cities and the first prediction is that more than 300 thousand people have been affected.

We have more than a hundred churches on the coast of Nampula Province (where the cyclone caused the most destruction). Kleber managed to speak with pastors from Tiquila and Cutar. The first information is that the pastoral houses and churches of Nacala-velha and Mossuril completely collapsed (they were made of local material but covered with zinc sheets). The church in the Island that we finished at the end of last year made of cement blocks had only the roofing plates that came loose and flew away, but the house of the leaders was totally destroyed. 

In the other cities we still don't have a report because the bridges and roads are damaged, the leaders need to make trips to see how they are.

At Hope School, a classroom and part of the cafeteria had their roofs torn down and some cashew trees felled with the force of the wind. Some damages we need urgently to rebuild, such as coverage of the classroom and cafeteria and shelter for the families of our leaders who lost everything.

“Pain... to see totally destroyed what took years of work to build.” Kleber (Our missionary in Mozambique, Africa). 

The pastor of the church with his wife and kid. 

Important need 

Please pray for these tough times in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Mozambique, Africa. If you can help financially please do! It does not matter if it is 10, 30, 50, 100, or more. It matters the way we give our offerings (2 Corinthians 9:7). Beforehand, we already thank you for the prayers and gifts that truly impact lives.  


                                                             Ways you can help financially: 

Now you can also donate through PayPal for Brazil River of Life Ministries (BROLM) , your donation will go directly to BROLM’s bank account, and it is tax-deductible.

Go to PayPal.com and donate at roger@brolm.org  P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615

BROLM is 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation

If you want to know more about BROLM please get in touch with fife@brolm.org , isaac@brolm.org , or roger@brolm.org we will be more than happy to talk with you! 

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!

In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff & Monica Fife

Missionaries/Executive Directors


Reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!

Evangelism - Dicipleship - New Church Plant

P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615

Blog: http://brazilriveroflifeministries.blogspot.com/

Phone in Brasil: 55-11-9-9511-2436 (Whatsapp - Vivo)