
August 2019 Report

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

This time of the year it is cold where we live, 40’s during the night and 50’s and 60’s during the day, most Americans would say this is an ideal weather, whoever, when the houses are made of concrete blocks and does not have any insulation, it gets cold inside the house, specially the few nights that it goes down to the 30’s.

Monica and I have been fighting some throat and sinus infection, and in my case some ear infection, after taking all the medication we are not well yet. Let’s see what the doctor has to say!
Please, pray for our health.

Isaac been with us since May doing his final internship. He has been a great blessing for us and the ministry. This has been his schedule:
1st Sunday - Preach, AM, at Bom Retiro and, PM, at Pirituba
2nd Sunday - Communion Meditation, AM, at Bom Retiro and, PM, Lead worship at Pirituba
3rd Sunday - Offering Meditation, AM, at Bom Retiro and, PM, Preach at Campo Limpo Pta
4th Sunday - Preach, AM, at Jundia and, PM, play guitar and back vocal at Pirituba
AM, Work at the office, PM, Visit Homes Groups (when possible)
Am, Work at the office, PM, Visit Members and help at the Hands On Bible college
AM, Work at the office, PM, Preach, Lead Worship or Prayer time at Mid-Service at Pirituba
AM, Work at the office, PM, ½ Day Off
1st and 3rd Saturday – AM, ½ Day Off, PM, Teach and Lead Worship Youth meeting at Pirituba
2rd Saturday – AM, ½ Day Off, PM, Participate at Men’s Meeting at Pirituba
4th Saturday – AM, ½ Day Off, PM, Help with Hands On Bible College and Teach at the Youth Meeting at Sao Mateus
Plus, he has participated at all Evangelistic events.
I could say that he has worked a lot and has experience well BROLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) ministry during the summer.
Now, Isaac is ready for his senior year at JU (Johnson University), and he needs to raise support, to come back as full-time missionary in 2020.
Isaac will return to the USA on August 12, for the JU soccer pre-season and he will be helping with the worship team at Seymour Heights CC.

Please, pray for Isaac!

We been very blessed with the HOBC (Hands on Bible College), as we have 6 locations in Brazil, and we have trained a team in Mozambique to teach and they are traveling to villages every weekend to teach, over 100 evangelists are being trained in Mozambique. The classes will resume in Portugal soon and we have a meeting with some brothers from Angola at ICOM to launch the HOBC in Angola too. This is tremendous! God is good!
Please, pray for HOBC throughout the Portuguese-Speaking World.

These two videos are 13 seconds long each and shows a couple of the HOBC classes in Mozambique. They do not have much, but they are very thankful.

Monica and I will leave Brazil on August 19 and come back on November 22.
We will travel, most of the time I will be alone, since the traveling is hard on Monica’s health, for ICOM (International Conference on Missions) from August 25 through Nov 17.
Sherree (sherree@theicom.org) from ICOM’s office is responsible for our schedule. “They tell me how high and I jump”. If you would like a copy our schedule, please, request and we will send you a PDF copy.

ICOM is responsible for our travels in the USA, however, the international flights they will not cover the cost, the cost of our tickets for the round trip at this time cost $2,791.82. Anyone that would like or can help us with this expense it will be a blessing.

Please, pray for our travels!

For now, it is all, I could write a lot more about what God is doing, but time does not allow!

If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask!
Thank you very much for praying for us!

Jeff and Monica Fife