
 JUNE 2017
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A Letter from Isaac Fife

A Letter from Isaac Fife

May 3, 2017

Dear Friends and Family,

After my high school graduation, I lived one year in Brazil with my parents, Jeff and Monica Fife. During that year, I worked with Brazil River of Life Ministries. Through this experience, God made a transformation in my life. He gave me the strong calling to reach the unreached in the Portuguese-speaking world.

In order to train for this calling, I enrolled at Johnson University and am almost finished with my fresh-man year. I have a goal to continue with hands-on training during the summers, and would like to intern with BROLM in Sao Paulo. Last winter, over Christmas break, I went to Brazil and stayed two weeks. During that time, I preached twice, led worship a few times, did Communion and Offering Meditations and helped with the youth ministry. I worked every day I was there. This is the type of work I would do again.

The cost for me to intern is approximately $1500. This covers my travel back and forth from the United States to Brazil. At the moment I have received $770, thus I still need to raise $730 for this purpose.

I’d like to ask you if you would consider supporting me in this role. I hope to have your financial support, but most important, I also need the prayer support for this internship. I plan to leave to Brazil on June 1st and come back for my second year at Johnson University on August 15th.

I feel that the calling God gave me will lead me to the mission field after graduating from Johnson University. My goal is to go back to the mission field and work for God’s kingdom, being part of Brazil River of Life ministries (BRLOM).
Best regards,

Isaac Fife
P.S. Please, send your gift to Brazil River of Life Ministries, P.O. Box 8262, Gray, TN, 37615 and write on the check’s memo Isaac’s Internship. Thank you!