
MARCH 2013

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10NIV

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

(Click on the Pictures to enlarge them)

Summer 2013

Monica has received per-mission from the doctors to travel, so we are getting ready for a mission trip to Mozambique. The last time I (Jeff) went to Mozambique was Feb 2009; on that trip Roger and John Leech accompanied me. This time, if God allows by providing the resources, Monica and Isaac will be coming with me.

Our plans are to leave Brazil on Jun 11th and go back to Brazil on Jun 22nd.

Monica will use art to teach the Bible to the children at the Hope School. She will teach morning and afternoon classes from 1st to 8th grade; the school has over 1000 students.

We need donations of school supplies (colored pencils, crayons, water base paint, etc.). You can purchase these materials and send to us before May 1st, or you can send a gift and Monica will purchase the material (More details call Monica 423-433-8537).

Monica will also encourage Juracema (Brazilian missionary), and she will work with the women's ministry in Nampula.

I (Jeff) will be instituting the “Hands On” Bible College, for the church leaders. Leaders from the 72 village churches will come together at the Hope Mission leadership center and I will be teaching.

Isaac will use soccer and other sports to witness to the school students.

We need your help to make this mission trip possible, Kleber and Juracema are expecting us. 

The cost for this mission trip for each is:
USD$1.600 BR/MOZ/BR Airfare
USD$     80 Visa cost to Mozambique
USD$   220 Lodging and Food in MOZ
USD$1.900 Total X 3 = USD$5.700 (Jeff, Monica and Isaac)

Would you, please, help us make this mission trip a reality? Send your gifts to BROLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries), please; write MOZ MISSION TRIP on the memo. Thank you very much!


Children's Outreach

Please, continue to pray for this monthly outreach at Varzea Paulista; we plan to plant a church in this location in the near future and God has given the strategy to reach the people at this location for Christ through children's outreach.

 Youth Outreach

With the participation of the youth groups from the churches of Bom Retiro, Campinas, Campo Limpo Paulista and Sao Mateus, the Pirituba church promoted this youth outreach.

 Ice Cream Party

With the purpose of raising funds for the ceiling at the Jundiai church, they promoted an ice-cream party and with the funds they have raised, church members started to work on the ceiling for the Sunday School Classes.

 Youth Camp

Sao Mateus and Campinas Churches promoted a youth camp during the last weekend of the month.


By faith, Kleber and Juracema have started to build a home at the Hope Mission for them to live in, and receive visitors that come to help the ministry. God willing, if the house is ready, we will stay with them in the new home.

Short Term Mission Trip

We are open to receive individuals, groups, teams that would like to come and help us in Brazil during the summer (May through August). We can take a group of up to 10 persons for up to 10 days at a time.

This summer we need to paint Pirituba’s church building inside and out. If you would like to come to preach, teach and sing, we can use you to minister at the churches from Tuesday to Sunday.

Please, plan to come to Brazil this summer; if not this summer plan to come in 2014, 2015 or 2016. 

If you would like to come with us to Mozambique, please get in touch with us as soon as possible and we will be happy to have you come.

Please, continue to pray for BRoLM, and for Jeff and Monica. Your prayers and support are vital for us! Thanks!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff & Monica Fife

Missionaries/Executive Directors
Reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!
Evangelism - Dicipleship - New Church Plant - Assistance - Justice  
P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615
E-Mail: fife@BroLm.org or rlm_fifes@hotmail.com Ph/Fax: 423-543-8061 Mobile: 423-433-8390
Skype jeff.fife  Facebook: Jeff E Monica Fife