
Our God hears and answers our prayers!
We received a message last night that one of our supporting churches is covering the USD$1.160 that was needed for the Mozambique Mission Trip. God is good!
Now we still need school supplies!
For us to bring the text books “Hands ON” Bible College to Mozambique we will need the government’s permission, however there is a possibilities of us taking a laser printer to print the material over there. We have to make this decision in the next days and we are waiting a position form Kleber and Juracema to see what it is better.
Monica and I will be applying for our visas, please, pray that it will be granted without any problems!
Thanks for your prayers and, please, continue to pray for us! 


God is great!
We received an email today from one of the church that supporters us saying that they are sending USD $1.000 for the Mozambique Mission Trip.
We need USD $3.800 to cover the trip expenses, as of today we have received USD $2.640, and thus we still need USD $1.160 to reach this goal. Now our glass is almost full!
Please, continue to pray! We still need school supplies and the permission from the Mozambican government to take the text books for the “Hands-On” Bible College!
Thanks for your prayers for us!


(Click on the Pictures to enlarge them)
APRIL 2013

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2NKJV

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

Monica’s Health
On April 1st, we celebrated 5 years from when the tumor was removed from Monica’s brain. She still needs to deal with some limitations; however our hearts are full of gratitude for her healing process.

In the end of September, 2012, Monica was very sick with a terrible infection; after she went through surgery on October 5th the surgeon thought Monica would need at least 3 more surgeries. However on April 8th, the surgeon concluded that Monica will NOT need any more surgeries. God is good! We are so thankful for your prayers and support. Please, continue to pray for Monica’s complete healing!

2013 Mozambique Short Term Mission Trip
In March we shared our plans for the Short Term Mission Trip to Mozambique.
Monica will be teaching at the Hope School for over 1000 students from 1st to 8th graders. We need your help in purchasing some school supplies (colored pencils, crayons, water base paint, etc.) so Monica can use to teach; for more details get in touch with Monica at 423-433-8537 or at fife@brolm.org.

I (Jeff) will be instituting the “Hands On” Bible College; church leaders from the villages will come to Nampula for a week of teaching. I will be taking the material that we use at the “Hands On” in Brazil.
We have decided that we are not taking Isaac with us this time to Mozambique; God willing we will have the opportunity to take Isaac in the future.
Our plans are to leave Brazil on Jun 10th and go back to Brazil on Jun 22nd.
We need your help to make this mission trip possible. The cost for this mission trip for each is:
USD$1.600 BR/MOZ/BR Airfare
USD$     80 Visa cost to Mozambique
USD$   220 Lodging and Food in MOZ
USD$1.900 Total X 2 = USD$3.800
Our glass is almost half full, we have received USD$1.640 for this purpose. Would you, please, help us make this mission trip a reality? Send your gifts to BRoLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries), please, designate your gift to MOZ MISSION TRIP. Thank you very much!


BRoLM Annual Board Meeting
In March BRoLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) had its annual board meeting. For personal reasons, Brother Ben Lutz who had served as chairman since 2001, resigned. With Nancy Knowles' death last year, BRoLM needed two new board members. We were very blessed to have Ben and Nancy on the board, they've always been a blessing. Thus the board voted to receive Tim Shields and LeAnne Blackmore as new board members. We are so thankful that Jim Knowles, who has served as secretary, will continue to serve as board member.
Tim Shields was raised as an MK (Missionary Kid) in Brazil; his parents were contemporary missionaries with my parents in Goiania. At the present he serves as a chaplain; he was voted the new chairman for BRoLM.
LeAnne Blackmore is an author, speaker, wife and mother. God has given her the opportunity to develop a strong women's ministry. She was voted the new BRoLM secretary.
Another change is that Elena Coelho, who has served as BRoLM treasurer since 1998, because of her health had to resign. Please, pray for Elena, she has multiple sclerosis. Thus the board voted Roger Fife to become the treasurer and work with BRoLM CPA Jim Cline in keeping the financial records. We are thankful for Elena’s faithful service through so many years.
Please, pray for BRoLM board; may the Lord give them wisdom to lead the ministry in God’s will for His honor and glory.

Couples Outreach at Jundiai
The Jundiai Church promo-ted a Couples Outreach in March; many couples accep-ted the invitation and the outré-ach was a great blessing.

Children’s Outreach at Campo Limpo Paulista
Every 3 months the Campo Limpo Paulista Church will be promoting a Children’s Outreach. They had their first one this year in March.

Murillo’s Baptism
Ruben (Minister at Jundiai Chur-ch) is a Math teacher at a High School in Jundiai; through the last year he has been wor-king in leading a colleague to the Lord. In March Ruben had the privilege of baptizing Murillo.

Couples Outreach at Campo Limpo Paulista
The Campo Limpo Paulista Church also promoted a Couples Outre-ach in March. Brother Jose Simonette (orda-ined in January) and his wife Ana are doing a great job.

Jundiai Church Third Anniversary
Three years ago the Jundiai Church had its first service at a restaurant in Jundiai; after a few months they were able to find a small place to rent. However God has given them growth and this year they rented a larger location. We are so happy that the Jundiai Church is doing so well; God has blessed them very much.

Dinner Outreach at Sao Mateus
The Sao Mateus Church promoted a Dinner Outreach to celebrate Jesus' Resurrec-tion. People came to eat dinner and had the privilege to hear about Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.

Resurrection Celebration
Since 2005 on Easter BRoLM promotes a celebration for all the BRoLM churches in the Greater Sao Paulo area. The churches spent the day together; they had a great service with baptism and Communion after lunch (Brazilian barbecue) and lots of fun time.

God is doing great things through BRoLM and your prayers and support are vital! Please, continue to pray so the Lord will use BRoLM more and more for His honor and glory!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff & Monica Fife