Brasil - March 2020 - Report Codiv-19
Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-speaking World!
Some have asked how are we doing in Brasil during the pandemic Covid-19.
Monica and I are well. The missionaries and nationals that we partner in
Portugal, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Angola, and throughout Brasil, are all
well. We keep in contact daily with most of them!
We have been trying to keep people calm and focus on their faith in
Jesus Christ, during this crisis.
In Brasil we are watching a huge fight between the left and the right,
they care less about the people it is all about politics and money. The people
it is divided and the country is going down the tube.
We had services at the churches until March 19. On March 20 the supreme
court of the state of Sao Paulo prohibit opening churches for any reason. We
cannot even use the offices of the churches. In our case we cannot feed the
poor and they are on the streets starving! We cannot even stream live our
services from the church, we are doing from our homes.
Personally, I believe it is time for the Church to step up and guide the
people during this crisis, repenting for being so passive in preaching the
Gospel and making disciples. It is time for a great revival, awaking the Church
and reaching out to all with God’s love. I am praying for many souls to be
saved and many coming back to God’s presence through this pandemic.
From last Friday to today it has been reported at the BROLM’s churches
over 40 people coming back to the Lord and over 20 confessing Christ as their
Lord and Savior at the homes as we minister to families in need through the
So, we are having our services though live stream (Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube), the Hands On Bible College classes and Home Groups through ZOOM and
counseling and praying through text messages, phone calls and video call
through WhatsApp. We are using social media for God’s glory!
That means that the only thing that has changed for us (Monica and I) it
is that we are not driving as much as we are used too, but we are active
working as hard as ever for God’s glory and He is doing amazing things!
Please, pray for us as we are praying for you!
Jeff & Monica Fife