
Prayer Request June 28, 2020

Hello friends and family,
Last Sunday, June 21st, we communicated the passing of my father (Tom Fife), God was gracious with us allowing us to come to the USA for his funeral. Monica and I arrived on Friday June 26th.
Public Viewing and Funeral Service will be at Colonial Heights Christian Church and Burial at Monte Vista Cemetery on Tuesday June 30.
Please pray for:
·         our family at this time of grief
·         the ministry in Brazil as we are serving the need during the Covid-19 pandemic
·         Monica and I as we will continue to do all the online teaching, devotionals, studies, and services during the time we will be in the USA
·         our return to Brazil on July 24
We will try to work on a ministry report in the next few days.
Thanks for all the emails, cards, messages, prayers, and kind words that we have received; we appreciate you all and thanks for your support at this time. We are blessed!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!

In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife
Missionaries/Executive Directors
Reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!
Evangelism - Dicipleship - New Church Plant
P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615
Skype jeff.fife  Facebook: Jeff E Monica Fife
Phone in Brasil: 55-11-9-9511-2436 (Whatsapp - Vivo)


Tom Fife Went To His Eternal Home

Every week a Brother from Colonial Heights Christian Church came to my parents’ home in Gray and sang hymns with them. Daddy was always ready to sing the old beautiful hymns. As my Brother Richard sent the recording every week, I noticed that Dad was struggling to sing this past Thursday, however he closed his eyes and with a deep voice sang with all his heart Leaning On The Everlasting Arms, he is there Leaning On The Everlasting Arms.
As God called my Dad to his eternal home at 10:30 pm this Saturday June 20, his last words were, “I don't want to be sick anymore”, he is not sick anymore he is whole in the presence of our Mighty God, rejoicing!
I chose the attached picture because he was doing what he loved the most, teaching God’s Word.
Here he was teaching the first class when we launched the Hands On Bible College in 2009. It was Hermeneutics (How to Interpret the Bible).
Today more than 400 men will preach, because God used him to teach. Thousands will worship our Lord Jesus Christ, all over the world, because God used him to teach.
Heavens gained our lost!
“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21ESV)
We are thankful for Dad´s legacy in teaching God's Word and we look forward to the day we will meet again in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Jeff Fife



Greetings from your co-workers to the Portuguese-Speaking World.

Here in São Paulo, Brasil, we are all well, even though the fight for power and money continue among the politicians and we have had many manifestations on the streets. As you may have seen on the news, Brasil is right now the epicenter of the pandemic and Sao Paulo is where we have more cases in Brasil.

We have been working overtime and seeking to do all possible to serve as many people as possible in Jesus name. Some supporting churches have asked us to do a short video saying what we are doing and we have received other requests too, we will work on them ASAP.

In May Brother Ruben, from Jundiaí church, asked me to do a live commentary on the Psalms, thus we are doing together on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 pm to 10 pm on Instagram. Monica and I continue with the live devotionals, and we continue with Hands On Bible College on Zoom on Tuesdays and the church services on Thursdays and Sundays online and at Pirituba. We are doing all the requirements from the Health Department, thus everything we are doing is legal.

Let us give you a report on our Covid-19 efforts:
BROLM received $3,273.00 for this purpose!
We purchase:
120 Food Baskets $1,800.00
300 Dippers $78.00
48 Liters of Milk $27.00
24 Liter of Oil $22.00
600 Face Masks $307.00
5 Alcohol Gel Foot Triggers $389.00 (Required by law to reopen the churches)
25 Gallons of Alcohol Gel $67.00
Gasoline and Tool for the Van $89.00
Total $2,779.00 thus we still have $494.00 for this purpose

The needs are only growing as unemployment grows, many factories, stores and small businesses are closing and leaving the people without any compensation.

The group that was donating the fruits that they were removing from the supermarkets, has cut their supplies to the supermarkets drastically. From April 1st to May 15th we had distributed over 800 fruit and vegetables baskets. Since May 15th until now only 100. Thus, people are going even more hungry.

Will you, please, help us, with $15 we can purchase a food basket and help a family.

We continue to help the Addiction Clinic, where we have some interns, with food, too!

We need your prayers for health, wisdom, and supplies to serve the people in need at this time.

Thank you very much for your prayers and gifts. Without them we could not do what God has called us to do!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife
Missionaries/Executive Directors
Reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!
Evangelism - Dicipleship - New Church Plant
P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615
Skype jeff.fife  Facebook: Jeff E Monica Fife
Phone in Brasil: 55-11-9-9511-2436 (Whatsapp - Vivo)