
Dear friends,

Greetings and a Happy New Year from your co-workers to the Portuguese-Speaking world!

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15NIV).

God is always amazing us; when we look back on last year and see the spiritual growth of our leaders in Brazil and how God is using them, we are amazed. They've been sent to preach, and as the Scripture says their feet are beautiful.

As you know, our ministry is all about bringing people to know Christ, disciple them and empower them to work in God’s Kingdom. We are very blessed to have a team both in Brazil, and in Mozambique, doing a marvelous job. In the last 9 months, the team in Brazil, through our orientation, has done 8 women's outreaches, 8 men's outreaches, 5 children's outreaches, and 6 Youth outreaches. The churches are strong and growing. I (Jeff) have a monthly leadership meeting with the church leaders; the last one, Saturday Jan. 15, lasted 3 ½ hours. I wrote 12 sermons to be preached at all the churches in Brazil and Mozambique on the first 12 days of the year that set our vision for this year, and for the next 10 years of our ministry in those countries. I just finished writing 28 weeks of Discipleship material that is used weekly at the home groups in Brazil and at the villages’ churches in Mozambique. I give orientation by e-mail daily to the church leaders in Brazil and to our missionaries in Mozambique.

Here are some pictures of these outreaches and other events in Brazil (These Pictures Reflects Only The Some of The Work From June to December 2010):

1) Fellowship – Campo Limpo Pta and Jundiai Churches – June 2010
2) Fellowship – Campo Limpo Pta and Jundiai Churches – June 2010

3) Jundiai Church

4) Jundiai Church

5) Youth Outreach – Campinas 6) Men’s Outreach – Breakfast Jundiai Church
7) Campo Limpo Paulista Church
8) The Elders from Campo Limpo Pta and Jundiai Churches with their wives
9) 2nd Southeast Brazil Christian Churches Convention
10) 2nd Southeast Brazil Christian Churches Convention
11) Women’s Outreach – Tea Jundiai Church
12) Children’s Outreach – Campo Limpo Pta Church
13) Children’s Outreach – Campo Limpo Pta Church
14) New Meeting Place – Carraozinho Church
15) Children’s Outreach – Carraozinho Church
16) Youth Outreach – Carraozinho Church
17) Men’s Outreach – Fishing 18) Youth Outreach – Piracicaba Church
19) Children Outreach – Varzea Paulista
20) BRLM Leadership Meeting – Pirituba Church
21) Youth Outreach – Campo Limpo Pta Church
22) Children Outreach – Varzea Paulista
23) Children Outreach – Varzea Paulista
24) Fellowship – Campo Limpo Pta and Jundiai Churches – December 2011
25) Christmas Celebration – Jundiai Church
Here are some prayer requests . . .
Thanks for praying for Monica’s health; she is doing a lot better, but please continue to pray for her complete healing.
Please pray that we will have all the funds needed to continue the work in Brazil and Mozambique. We need an extra $818.67 (US Dollars) per month to meet our budget.
Pray that we will have funds for the “Hands On” Bible College. We need $700 (US Dollars) per month to run the “Hands On” Bible College in Brazil; we already have $150.00 committed per month for this purpose. We have 10 students registered, and we intend to re-start classes in February. With $70 (US Dollars) per month, you can sponsor one student. Could you be a sponsor for at least one student?
Pray for the churches and the leaders in Brazil, for the churches, the school and the leaders in Mozambique, and please pray for us!
Please make plans for us to visit you and your church!
Here is our updated agenda:

February 27 – Weber City Christian Church (VA)
March 12-13 – Bethany Christian Church (Bumpass, VA)
Your prayers and financial support are vital for us! Please continue to pray for us - we need all the prayers we can get!
God is good all the time and all the time God is good!
In His love and service,
Jeff, Monica, Roger and Isaac Fife