Dear Prayer Warriors,
I (Jeff) arrived in Brazil on May 3 and my internet access has been very limited! I had to purchase and install an antenna at our house so we can have internet access. I am testing the antenna to see what the best position is so we can have the best signal.
During these 15 days that I have been in Brazil, I have preached at the Pirituba church 5 times, Sao Mateus Church 2 times, Judiai Church 2 times, Campo Limpo Paulista 2 times and at the Bom Retiro Church (Korean) once and I have had 5 leadership meetings. In the mean time I been transforming our garage in a bedroom so when Monica and Isaac arrives on Monday May 21, Monica and I will have a bedroom. Monica parents been living at our house and they are using our bedroom. Between now and Monday we need to finish the celling, paint the room and install the bathroom fixtures.
I have a busy weekend ahead! Two leadership meetings, preach on Sunday morning at Jundiai and in the evening at Pirituba. I will conduct two church meeting one at Jundiai and one at Campo Limpo Paulista Church on Sunday so they can vote their new board for the next 2 years and vote new Elders.
I will send a more detail report as soon as the internet access is fully established.
Please pray for:
· a safe trip for Monica and Isaac to Brazil, they leave the USA on Sunday May 20 and arrive on Monday morning.
· me so the Lord will keep using me for His honor and glory.
· for the funds so we can cover the tickets expenses for this trip. We need $6,101.83 and we have received $2,640.00 for this purpose, we still need $3,461.83.
Thanks for your prayers!
Jeff Fife