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Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

BRoLM Theme for 2013. The BRoLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) Churches and many other Churches throughout the Portuguese-Speaking World theme for this year is “2013, The Year of the Spiritual Blessings”. Jeff is writing a study guide for the whole book of Ephesians base on this theme so the ministers in each location can share the studies with their congregations. For the first chapter of Ephesians Jeff wrote 18 sermons, 12 of them were preached at the 12 Days of Purpose, and the others are being preached on Sundays at each congregation.

Brazil Jan 13. Jeff arrived in Brazil on January 9th and he started preaching at the 12 Days of Purpose at Pirituba Church on that same day. During the time that he was in Brazil he had the opportunity to minister at 19 services, visit the Bom Retiro, Campo Limpo Pta, Jundiai, Pirituba and Sao Mateus Churches. He led two voting church meetings; one at Campo Limpo Pta Church and one at Pirituba Church. He met with the elders from each church and with the ministers separately. He ordained Jose Simonette to be the Minister at Campo Limpo Pta Church, baptized 4 into Christ, and visited many Brothers and Sisters in their homes and drove 1875 miles all in 20 days.

Pirituba Church. The Pirituba Church voted for Jeff to continue to preach every Sunday through Webex. We are seeing some signs of restoration and some growth since Jeff became the preaching minister at Pirituba in May 2012.

Anniversary/Baptism/Ordination. On Jan 26, the Campo Limpo Pta Church celebrated its 8th Anniversary. All the BROLM Churches got together to celebrate at this opportunity; 4 were baptized and Jose was ordained.

Baptism. This was the first time in 25 years that I (Jeff) baptized only women. God has given me the privilege to baptize over 400 people into Christ; my ministry has always been aimed at reaching the man so the whole family will come to Christ, there always has been a man being baptized when I baptized people. However, Bia is the daughter of a couple (Adriano & Cris) from CLP (Campo Limpo Pta), Babiih is the girlfriend of Renato (drummer at Pirituba), Katia is the wife of Felipe; I baptized him, his grandfather, his uncle & aunt, his mother and 2 brothers in 2006 in CLP and Jenifer is the wife of Tiago (Felipe’s best friend) that I baptized in 2007 in CLP. Therefore, all 4 that were baptized are connected to a male that it is already a member of one of the churches.

25 Years Serving Together. Jeff and Monica are celebrating 25 years of serving the Lord together this month. They started working together before even dating in 1988 as an Evangelistic Team that traveled throughout Brazil. Monica played the piano and Jeff took care of the sound, they both sang and Jeff preached.

Monica’s Health. On Feb 4th, Monica returned to the surgeon and he said that she is healing well and that the possibility of her needing another surgery is down to 30%. Praise the Lord! Monica will be back to see the surgeon on April 8th, and he said that if she continues to heal he believes that then he will be able to affirm that she does not need more surgery. Please, continue to pray for complete healing in the name of Jesus. Thanks for your prayers!

A Word from Mozambique:

"The hope of the righteous brings joy." Proverbs 10:28

Friends and prayer partners,

The hope of the kingdom of God, present and future, rises as a big challenge ahead of us; as a church, we work to achieve reaching the least-evangelized peoples and unreached.
As servants, we understand that when we engage in mission, we are sharing the mission of a missionary God, which is the beauty of the incarnation in Christ Jesus, who, being God by nature, emptied himself, humbled himself and voluntarily lived among us. The Holy Spirit calls us to serve one another by the passion we have for the gospel.
Here in Mozambique, we thank God for everything that is happening in our country, because we have seen the hand of the Mighty Lord sustaining us for the work to which He has called us.

Hope Home. On January 12, we married two young people who live in the Hope Mission. Anthony and Rabia; it was a moment of joy for all of us. Please pray for this couple because they are being used to help in the work of the Mission.

Hope School. On January 19, we met with all parents and the school year resumed on January 21. Many parents are still seeking to enroll their children at the Hope School, but now we cannot accommodate any more children. Please pray that the Lord will continue to use the school as a means of evangelization of children.

Church Planting. We ask you to pray for our national workers, that the Lord strengthen them and their families at the villages where they are announcing the message of salvation.
As a church, we have the task of being intercessors for the unreached ethnic groups. We praise God for your prayers!

Thanks for all the support you have given us! May the Lord repay in blessings on your lives!
In Christ's love,

Kléber and Juracema Ribeiro

Mission Trip. Jeff and Monica would like to invite you to come to Brazil and Mozambique this summer. Here are the plans and the cost:
Thu June 6 – PM Leave USA to Brazil
Fri June 7 – AM Arrive Brazil/ PM Visit CLP Ch
Sat June 8 – PM Visit Sao Mateus Church
Sun June 9 – AM Visit Jundiai Church/ Noon Visit Bom Retiro Church/ PM Visit Pirituba Church
Mon June 10 – PM Leave Brazil to Mozambique
Sat June 15 – AM Leave Mozambique to Brazil
Sun June 16 – PM Leave Brazil to USA
Mon June 17 – AM Arrive in the USA
Estimate Cost:
USD$1.200 USA/BRAZIL/USA Airfare *
USD$   160 Visa cost to Brazil
USD$     80 Visa cost to Mozambique
USD$   500 Lodging and Food in BR and MOZ
USD$3.540 Estimate Total Cost
* The round trip airfare cost from USA to Brazil will vary accordingly to the location you depart from the USA.
Jeff will be happy to help you purchase your airfare tickets, help you get your visas and help you with any other travel arrangements.

BRoLM Board. BRoLM annual board meeting will be this month, please, pray for God’s direction!

Please, continue to pray for BRoLM, and for Jeff and Monica. Your prayers and support are vital for us! Thanks!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff & Monica Fife

Gifts received from Jan 1 to 31, 2013
IN MEMORY OF                     DONATED FROM
Dorothy Young                     Harry Young
If we miss listing your gift to remember or to honor a loved one, please, tell us and we will list your gift on our next newsletter. If you would like to give a gift to remember or to honor a loved one, please, send a note with your gift! Thank you very much!