

Today, One Who saves from the punishment of sin has been born in the city of David. He is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11NLV

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

We are so blessed! Jesus became the Son of Man, born of a virgin, so that we could become the sons and daughters of God. Praise the Lord!  Merry Christmas!

A tribute to Lloyd David Sanders:

Pioneer missionary Lloyd David Sanders passed away December 2 in Brasília, Brazil, at the age of 95.  David Sanders was God’s instrument for my family (Jeff’s) to go to Brazil. He arrived in Brazil in 1948 and our family in 1965.  For us MKs (Missionary Kids) the other missionaries were our uncles and aunts, since we did not have any relatives on the mission field.  Thus, David Sanders for us was more than just a missionary he was a friend that always had time for us.  Every time I went to Brasilia to speak he and Aunt Ruth would take me out to eat, and he would always tell me the story of how my Grandpa, Earl Fife, was used by God through his evangelistic preaching at Johnson University to reaffirm his calling to the ministry when he was thinking about giving up.  Another special moment he always remembered was when he was so homesick that he was contemplating leaving Johnson.  Uncle Bob Fife prayed with him, and that was the moment when he had the vision to go to Brazil and work at the new capital Brasilia, that was not even build at that time.  Uncle David was a blessing to my life, to my family and to Brazil.  May the Lord comfort the hearts of the thousands that were touch by his love to Christ and His Kingdom!

Here are some highlights from November 2013

Jundiai Church:

After a year of raising funds, the Jundiai Church was able to install a tile celling at their meeting location.  Now the meeting hall is a lot more welcoming.

Pirituba Church:

Our first church plant celebrated their 21st Anniversary!  It is always interesting to see all that the Lord has done through this church during all these years.  Happy Anniversary Pirituba Church!

Campo Limpo Paulista Church:

Started a Bible Study group in November for their elders’ and deacons’ wives. They believe this will help them work together to support their husbands with their ministry.  May the Lord give them wisdom and bless them!

Sao Mateus Church:

Promoted their first Youth Conference with the purpose of reaching more youth for Christ!  It is a great blessing to see so many youth worshiping the Lord!

Valparaiso Church:

Received the donation of a lot beside the church. This is a great blessing for this growing church.  What a blessing!  Brother Edgar is doing a great job in leading this church!


Last month we asked you to pray for the elections in Mozambique, and by God’s grace everything went well with minor incidents.  Kleber and Juracema are in Brazil; they went to Brazil for the first National Missionary Conference of the Christian Church/Churches of Christ in Brasilia and will be staying in Brazil until February/March.  Please, pray for the work in Mozambique!

20/50 Campaign:

To reach BRoLM’S budget for 2014, we still need 17 new or current individuals/churches to start/increase their support with $50 a month.  Please pray and consider participating of this challenge.  Help us reach this goal!  Thanks!

“Hands On” Bible College:

Brother Cirilo Bamba from Angola is visiting the “Hands On” Bible College in Brazil.  He is taking some of the text material to Angola in preparation for our “Hands On” Bible College launch when I go there next year.
The 2014 “Hands On” Bible College budget is for the purpose of reaching 4 Portuguese-Speaking countries: Angola, Brazil, Guina Bissau and Mozambique.  The total is $13,860.  Praise the Lord we have already received $8,450, but we still need $5,410 more to reach this goal.  Please consider a onetime gift for this important ministry! Thanks!

Jeff & Monica to Brazil

Monica and I will be leaving for Brazil on Dec 26.  We will have our First River of Life Leadership Summit at Pirituba on Dec 28. Summit leaders will come from churches in Fortaleza, CE; Valpariso, GO; Santos Dumont, DF; and, the churches in Sao Paulo. During our time in Brazil we will visit all churches and meet with all the leaders in Sao Paulo.  We will also be participating of the 12 Day of Purpose seminar on the first 12 days in Jan, 2014.  I am preparing the material for the Leadership Summit and the 12 Days of Purpose.  We will come back on Jan 13 for our final semester of school.  If everything goes as planned, I will graduate on April 25 and Monica on May 9.  I am still taking classes and working on my theses.  Please, pray for us!

God is doing great things through BRoLM, and your prayers and support are vital! Please, continue to pray so the Lord will use BRoLM more and more for His honor and glory!

May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,

Thanks for praying for us!

Jeff & Monica Fife

Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2014!