
MAY 2014
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“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness”. Colossians 2:6-7
Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,
Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!
Colossians 2:6-7 urges us to live our lives fully in Christ Jesus being thankful in all situations. This is our primary goal to live in Christ and allowed Christ to live in us as we seek to fulfill His call for our lives, and because He is so graciously to use people like us our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness. 
Let us share with you some ministry highlights:
 Kleber and Juracema
The Brazilian missionaries to the Makua People in Mozambique were in Brazil on furlough and visit the BRoLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) churches in Sao Paulo on the first week in April. Kleber and Juracema arrived on Tuesday April 1st. They spoke at one of the home groups in Campo Limpo Paulista on Tuesday, Thursday at Jundiai church, Friday at Campo Limpo Church, Saturday at Sao Mateus church, Sunday 9:30am at Jundiai church, 2pm at Bom Retiro church, at 6pm at Pirituba and at 8pm at Campo Limpo Paulista church. After a busy week speaking in Sao Paulo they went back to Mozambique on Tuesday April 8th
BRoLM Annual Board Meeting 
On April 10 BRoLM board meet. It was a great meeting with a lot of casting vision for the future especially concerning the doors God has open for the “Hands On” Bible College. Tim Shields continues as Chairman, LeAnne Blackmore as Secretary, Jim Knowles as Trustee, Jeff Fife as Executive Director, Monica Fife as Director of Ministries and we welcome Amy Crawford as Treasure. Amy is merry to Tim Crawford, she is a member at First Christian Church in Johnson City, TN, and she is a CPA. We are very thankful for Roger Fife for the time he served helping Elena Coelho in 2012 and for his service in 2013. 
 Resurrection Celebration
 Every year since 2006 BRoLM promotes a big Resurrection Celebration for all the churches in Sao Paulo. On April 20 all the BRoLM churches gathered at a ranch rented by BRoLM for this occasion and had a blessed celebration. The churches lead the worship, Brother Simonette from the Campo Limpo Paulista church preach, Brother Vinicius from the Campinas church did Communion Mediation and Brother Gilberto from Sao Mateus church baptized Fabio Costa and Larissa. After the morning service the churches shared a great lunch with lots of Brazilian steaks and sausages and an afternoon of fellowship. This is a highlight for the churches every year!
 “Hands On” Bible College
Please continue to pray for the “Hands On” Bible College. On June 28, we will have eight students graduating in Campo Limpo Paulista, Brazil! In August we will teach in Mozambique and launch the “Hands On” Bible College in Angola, in September in Portugal and Guinea Bissau!
I (Jeff) was honor to graduate from Johnson University - Intercultural Studies (MA) – on April 25. Monica will graduate from Milligan College – Fine Arts (BA) – on May 10. 
Please, pray for our travel plans, here are our current plans:
May 22 Leave to Brazil
August 11-18 Mozambique
August 18-25 Angola
September 15-22 Guinea Bissau
September 22-29 Portugal
20/50 Campaign
We've been very blessed with some one time gifts and some increase from those who support us, and we are very thankful. Praise the Lord we are half way on our campaign, however, we still need $500 per month to reach BROLM's 2014 budget. Thus, we still need 10 new or current individuals/churches to start/increase their support with $50 or more a month.  Please pray and consider participating in this challenge. Help us reach this goal!  Thanks!
Available to Speak
We are available to speak and visit our supporters from October 1 to December 8. Here is our present schedule:
Oct 23 – Colonial Heights Christian Church, TN
Nov 1-2 – First Christian Church Johnson City, TN
Nov 13-16 – ICOM (International Conference on Missions) in Columbus, OH (Exhibit 1105)
God is doing great things through BRoLM, and your prayers and support are vital! Please, continue to pray so the Lord will use BRoLM more and more for His honor and glory!
May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Thanks for praying for us!

Jeff & Monica Fife