
August 2015

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But I will remain in Ephesus until Pentecost; for a wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. 1 Corinthians 16.8-9 (NASB)

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-speaking world!
The apostle Paul wanted to visit the church in Corinth. However, a wide door for effective service was open before him. Even though there were many adversaries he stayed longer in Ephesus (1 Co 16:8-9). The reason I (Jeff) am mentioning this to you is because I was supposed to go to Mozambique and Angola in July/August this year; however there are so many wide doors open for effective service right now in Brazil. Because of this, I have postponed the mission trip to Mozambique and Angola. Now the doors are not the only thing we have in common with Paul right now--there are many adversaries too! Please pray for the leaders of the churches in Brazil--some are discouraged and some are having marriage and family troubles. Brazil is under the biggest financial crises in the last 20 years. Lots of people are losing their jobs, prices are going up almost daily, and the political scenery is chaotic. Monica’s health has not been the best--she is having lots of headache crises. She usually has a crisis once every 45 days, and lately it has been weekly.

Great Blessing
For years we have tried to get Monica to become a USA citizen. During the first week of July we received a letter from Immigration Notarization Services scheduling  Monica to be in Memphis, TN, on Friday, July 17, 2015, for a naturalization ceremony. Thus, Monica left Brazil on the 13th and became an America citizen on the 17th. She stayed a few days with Roger and  arrived back in Brazil on the 30th. We would like to thank everyone who prayed for this process and we would like to thank the Lutzes for taking Monica to Memphis and for hosting her. She said she was treated like a princess! Thanks!

 Isaac First Communion Meditation
On the third Sunday of each month the Pirituba Church Youth Ministry leads the worship service. In July Isaac was responsible for the communion meditation. It was his first communion meditation. He did a great job and loved doing it! Now in August he is responsible for the offering meditation. Isaac started to play drums for the worship team when he was 7 years old, and he studied music and drums for many years. Over the last couple months he decided he wanted to learn to play the guitar, and he is already playing the guitar for the worship team too. 
Isaac is helping greatly with the youth and worship teams at Bom Retiro’s and Pirituba’s churches. It is a blessing to have him working with us in the ministry!

Harvest Outreach
As you know, south of the equator it is winter. (Brazil is having the warmest and driest winter in the last 30 years!) Corn harvest in Brazil is during June and July, and every year for over 20 years, the Pirituba Church has a Corn Harvest Outreach. Everything that is served at the outreach is made from corn--the only things that it are not made from corn  are Monica’s brownies. A lot of hard work goes into the preparation for this outreach. The ladies, with the help of some men, work for hours until late at night getting everything ready. During the outreach there are games for the children to play and lots of food. This year we had a tremendous turnout with many visitors from the neighborhood. We are praying that those who came and heard the gospel will continue to come and will soon be baptized.

Bom Retiro Youth Group
The Bom Retiro Church is doing a great job in reaching the youth. In July brother Pedro Park, chairman of the elders, opened his house for an afternoon of Bible studies. Afterward, they served a great Brazilian Churrasco (barbecue). 

Brazil Ministry Transportation Need
We have a great need of a van for the ministry in Brazil and we are trying to raise $10,000 to purchase a 2010 van. As of August 10th we have received $900 toward this need. Thus we only need $9,100 to reach this goal. If you can help, please send your check to Brazil River of Life Ministries with "Brazil Van" written in the memo. 

Since 1931, a 120-foot tall statue of Jesus has stood with his head angled downward toward the city of Rio de Janeiro. Down below in the city, however, Jesus' presence is less visible. Watch this video (http://www.themissionsnetwork.com/index.php/component/preachit/message/pray-for-brazil?Itemid=435) and, please, Pray for Brazil! 

God is doing great things through BROLM among the Portuguese-speaking world, and your prayers and support are vital! Please continue to pray so the Lord will use BROLM more and more for His honor and glory!
May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Thanks for praying for us!
Jeff & Monica Fife