God continues to do amazing things in the midst of tragedy.
On the 9th Jamie Leaverton left Brazil after an amazing internship with BROLM this past summer. In her own words Jamie said; “Thank you so much for your support and prayers! You all have made a huge impact in my internship! During the internship, I have experienced Brazilian culture and the church life in Brazil River of Life Ministries! Almost everyday, I worked with Brazilians and taught English within the churches. Your prayers and support have helped me fulfill God’s will and my dream to teach English in Brazil.” We are so thankful of what Jamie has accomplished in Brazil and please keep her in your prayers as she starts her final school year at Johnson University and last soccer season, go Royals!
We had the celebration of 10 years of the church at Bom Retiro on the 15th. We had the other churches of BROLM there to celebrate what God has done through Bom Retiro church. Cool fact this church is a Korean-Portuguese church with a service in Korean and another in Portuguese.
We had our monthly youth gatherings at the churches and it was a blessing! At Campo Limpo we reflected on who we are following and in Pirituba we reflected on who we are living for. One of the quotes that stuck in our minds was; "If the reason for your living is Christ, your life will be an epicenter of good convictions." - Patrick Valério. Our Motto is “Somos Um” (We are one) and our verse of the year is Romans 12:5.
Our hearts are full of gratitude for your generosity, for we have been blessed to help during the pandemic! We can continue to use your help; we can purchase food baskets for $15 each. If you would like to send a gift for this purpose, please write a memo? For Food Baskets! Thanks!
Now you can also donate through PayPal for Brazil River of Life Ministries (BROLM) , your donation will go directly to BROLM’s bank account, and it is tax-deductible.
Go to PayPal.com and donate at roger@brolm.org
Also, check our highlights video of August 2021; https://youtu.be/SQzssVJfBfc
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