
Report of November 2021

  • Youth Retreat

  • What can I say about the youth retreat we had on the 2nd of November. God was there and He worked among us. 

  • We had over 60 youth and amazing volunteers. Each person was committed to have fellowship and demonstrate the Love of Christ Jesus. 

  • We had 2 of the youth giving their lives to Jesus! One of them was Anna, that was the third time in her life that she heard of Jesus. Before that she did not know Jesus as the Christ. 

  • Of course there was a lot of soccer involved in our free time. Wow, the youth from our churches can really play soccer. Maybe in the future we can have a BROLM FC that will teach them soccer and most importantly speak of the Gospel.

  • In all it was an amazing experience of Worshiping, fellowship, a lot of fun, and friendships being built through the five churches. 

  • Prayer requests 

  • Discipleship of the five churches in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

  • Our Missionaries (Jeff, Monica, Roger, Isaac, Kebler, Juracema, Josimar, and Elena). 

  • Our missionary in training, Marina (She is the daughter of Rubão who was the pastor of Jundiaí). Rubão passed away last March, please keep his family in your prayers. 

  • Planting seeds our Homeless outreach at Pirituba (Alberto leads this ministry). 

  • The building of the retreat for the meeting area and the kitchen (The BROLM retreat has been a blessing already and God will use it for much more). 

  • Kleber and Juracema were coming to Brazil on Dec 15th for furlough. It has been 4 years since they came to Brazil. However, their flight was cancelled because COVID 19/Omicron. Juracema´s Mom is not doing well and they would like to see her soon. Also, they would like to see family and visit their supporters. 

  • Food baskets are a great tool for BROLM to reach souls with God's love, and help so many that are in need throughout the pandemic. We pray that people would be employed, so they will not be heavily dependent on food baskets for daily food for their families. At the same time we pray that we have the resources to continue helping those in need. 

  • As we navigate into a new year in deep and troubled waters, we ask that God will continue to guide us and give us wisdom. So, we will always do His will. One thing we know, everything will be alright in the end because we are keeping Jesus on our boat. Thanks for your prayers! 

  • Yanomamis 

  • “Being in a new indigenous village in the northern part of Brazil everything is new” (Josimar Coelho our missionary to the indigenous population of Brazil). 

  • Our work comes down to education and evangelism. 

  • We have a school for the indigenous recognized by the government with indigenous teachers that we have prepared them to teach. Lena Josimar’s wife is the coordinator of the school. The school operates always in the mornings. Also, we have the reinforcement for the adults to become literates. 

  • On evangelism every evening we have bible study at the Malocas (Malocas is what they call their houses). Cool fact is that the Yanomamis love to pray. 

  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week during the morning at 5:30 they have a moment of prayer. 

  • This is a little about what happens with the ministry to the indigenous. Where they do not have tv, internet, and technology available.

  • Ways you can help financially: 

  • Now you can also donate through PayPal for Brazil River of Life Ministries (BROLM) , your donation will go directly to BROLM’s bank account, and it is tax-deductible.

Go to PayPal.com and donate at roger@brolm.org  

  • P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615

  • Here is the link for the video Highlights of the report of December 2021: 


  • Please subscribe, like, share, and comment! 

If you want to know more about BROLM please get in touch with fife@brolm.org , isaac@brolm.org , or roger@brolm.org we will be more than happy to talk with you!