
December 30, 2009, Campo Limpo Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dear friends,
Greetings from your co-workers to the Portuguese-Speaking world!
How great are your works, O LORD, how profound your thoughts! Psalm 92.5

Wow time flies! This month we are celebrating 8 years since we came back to Brazil! December 23rd, I (Jeff) had my 44th birthday; the CLP (Campo Limpo Paulista) Church did a great celebration for me! January 7th, 2010, Monica and I will celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary! It is hard to realize that Roger is 16 years-old and Isaac is 12. Talking about the boys, they did great at school this year, we are very proud of them. Roger finishes the 11th grade and Isaac the 7th grade. They had been on summer school vacation since December 2nd. They both continue to practice basketball, and they play for the city team. To celebrate how good they did at school we took the first weekend in December off and went to the beach, we had three days of lots of fun! The Christmas Celebration this year at the CLP Church was the responsibility of the youth group. Roger and Isaac were part of the play presented by the youth group. Roger had the principal acting part. They did a great job, as you can see we are proud of our boys! The presentation was on December 13th! Our family Christmas Celebration was at Monica’s parents home Dec 24th eve. My brother Faifo was in Brazil and he did come and spend the evening with us! It was a great visit! Monica just did an update cat-scan and she is recuperating just fine. She asked the doctor about all the pain she still has, the numbness on her face, and all the terrible headaches she has every month. The doctor told her that she will need another 3 to 5 years to recuperate from her surgery and some things may never be normal again. The doctor told her to take it easy, take her time, and that she should work less, she been working too hard. Talking about Monica, she celebrate her 40th birthday anniversary on October 13th; the CLP Church did a great celebration for her. Let’s continue to pray for Monica’s total recuperation! During the second semester Monica worked with the ladies at the CLP Church with a project call Dorcas Project for Mozambique, Africa. They did many art crafts and sold them on December 19th, all the profit will go to buy desks for the school in Mozambique. Each desk with a chair costs $50 (US Dollars). If you would like to donate a desk with a chair to the Hope School in Mozambique, please send your gift to Brazil River of Life Ministries, and write on the check memo “Desks for Mozambique.” The school has 700 students and needs 375 desks, since half of the students study in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. We are working on a 90 day transition at the CLP Church. Starting December 1st, I’m not the minister at CLP Church. Since we are planning to plant a new church at Jundiai in the beginning of 2010 we need more time to coordinate this new church plant. We have been working for the last 5 years at CLP Church discipling and training new leaders, and by the grace of God we have brothers that are ready to take over the work. Brother Edson is the new minister at CLP Church, and he is doing a great job. We are working together with Brother Edson and the elders at CLP Church so this transition will be smooth; the people are reacting in a good way until now. Praise the Lord! In November Monica was one of the speakers and worship leaders at the 2nd Women Christian Church/Church of Christ Southeast Conference in Campinas, Sao Paulo. I was one of the speakers at the National Christian Church/Church of Christ Convention in Goiania, Goias. Monica and I went to the convention and the boys stayed at Monica’s parent’s home. In the first weekend of November we celebrate Pirituba’s Church anniversary. This is the church where Monica’s father is the minister. Monica led the worship, and I was the speaker.We promoted the First Southeast Christian Church/Church of Christ Convention in October for all the churches in the area. We had 8 churches present. All churches had the opportunity to participate with music, Monica led worship and I was one of the speakers. Brazil celebrates in October, Children Day. Monica organized a trip to an amusement park for the children at CLP Church; she had over 50 children and 10 good helpers. In the last weekend in September we celebrated the Campo Eliseus, Campinas Church anniversary. Monica led the worship, and I was the speaker. Brother Tiago is the minister at this church.
In August we had a Youth Retreat only for the CLP Church youth. We had over 40 campers; it was a great opportunity to minister to the youth group. In February 2010, we will promote the First Southeast Christian Church/Church of Christ Youth Camp; we plan to have 150 campers for 3 days at a camp that we have rented for this purpose. During the second semester we continue with the Bible College at CLP Church. In August we studied Mathew, Mark and Luke, Brother Waldiberto (Minister at Piracicaba Church) was the professor. In September we studied Church Leadership and in October, Church Plant and Growth, and I was the professor. In November we studied the Gospel of John and Brother Waldiberto was the professor. Classes will resume in February! Monica led the Women’s Tea in August and October for the ladies at CLP Church. And I led the Men’s Breakfast in September and November. Every first Saturday of the month we have a leadership meeting for the 4 churches closer to CLP Church, and every three months we have a leadership meeting for the 15 churches in the Southeast. I’m responsible to speak at these leadership meetings and Monica meets with the ladies to teach about children ministry and prepare for the Women Convention. These are only some of the highlights of what God has done through our lives during the 2nd semester, 2009! To Him be all the glory and honor! Thanks for your prayer and financial support that has made it possible for us to serve the Lord another year!
Please pray for us as we prepare for another year, that the Lord will use us for His honor and glory! Pray for God to touch people’s heart to help us plant the Jundiai Church. We need to raise $10,000.00 (US Dollars) for this purpose and we have less than $300.00 for this purpose so far. We wish you and your family a blessed 2010! May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus! Happy New Year!
Your prayers and financial support are vital for us! Please continue to pray for us, we need all the prayers we can get!

God is good all the time and all the time God is Good!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff, Monica, Roger, and Isaac Fife

Reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!
Evangelism - Dicipleship - New Church Plant

Address For Contribution:
Brazil River of Life Ministries - c/o Elena Coelho
PO Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615
Ph: 423-741-4907
Address For Correspondence:
Rua dos Jacarandas, 120 Jardim Timbará
CEP 13233-152 - Campo Limpo Pta - SP - Brazil
Ph: 011-55-11-4038-3422 - Cell: 011-55-11-9955-7749
RLM_Fifes@hotmail - Blog: http://riveroflifeministries.blogspot.com/

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World,

It is with great satisfaction that we would like to inform you that we are in the processes of re-registering our ministry. Consulting with our board of trustees we have come to the conclusion that we needed make some difference on the ministry name so it would be more accurate. There are dozens of River of Life Ministries throughout the USA, so we have decided to add Brazil to the Ministries name. The ministry Mission and Vision continues the same. As soon we are through with the process of re-registering we will let you know. The new name will be: Brazil River of Life Ministries, Inc. Take a look at the new logo!
During these first 7½ years that we been working with the Portuguese-Speaking World in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, God has used us in many great ways for His glory. Right now we are very happy that He has allowed us to come to the USA and visit our supporting churches, friends and family.
Through these 7½ years God has given us the opportunity to help plant 10 churches and help restore 8 churches that were dying in Brazil. One of these churches we have been working with personally since it was planted in January 2005. When God allowed us to start meeting at the location where we are in the city of Campo Limpo Paulista we were only 11 people working and praying for the Lord to bless this new church plant. Today the Campo Limpo church has 132 members and it is getting ready to plant its first congregation in Jundiai.
Campo Limpo Paulista city has approximately 90 thousand population, Jundiai has approximately ½ million. Jundiai is about 10 miles from Campo Limpo Paulista and 30 members of the Campo Limpo Church live in Jundiai including two of the elders, Ruben and Jose. The state of Sao Paulo has 40 million population and only 9% are Evangelicals-Christians.
On our vision statement it says “Reach the lost through Evangelism”. God has allowed us to promote over 200 events to reach all ages, through the many locations that we have helped plant new churches. We promote at least three big events per year to reach the children. Every other month Monica promotes a Women’s Tea and I (Jeff) promote a Men’s Breakfast. Every three months we have a big evangelistic event for the youth. As a result we have had the opportunity of baptizing almost 200 new converts into Christ.
As we reach the lost through Evangelism, our next step is “mentoring and equipping through Discipleship”. Through the years we have offered many types of Discipleship. I have put together new converts discipleship material that teaches about baptism, church membership, discipline in the church, stewardship and what it is to be a disciple. Right after the new convert and new comers from other churches go through this material they go through a short booklet that I have written about the Restoration Movement and its beliefs. Then we study with them the booklet my father (Tom Fife) wrote on Communion “The Breaking of Bread”. We call this material 3 in 1 for new convents and transfers.
Another Discipleship material I have written is about Eldership and Deaconship. The church separates them and they are taught what it is to be an elder and what it is to be a deacon. Then after two years of experience and training they are voted on by the congregation.
Every month we have a Leadership and Ministry Meeting at the church in Campo Limpo for leaders of four of the churches that are under BRLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) and every three months we have a State Meeting for leaders of 15 churches.
A dream was to start in June 2008 the Bible College at Campo Limpo. One subject is taught at a time. The Classes are every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Evangelism and the Discipleship is done with the purpose to “Plant New Churches”.
Monica is very active not only in the local ministry at Campo Limpo Church but throughout BRLM events. At the local church she leads the Children’s Ministry. She is responsible for the Music and Special events celebration (Christmas, Easter, Mothers and Fathers Day and etc.).
The World Convention will be in Brazil in 2012 and prior to that there is a Women’s World Gathering promoted by the Global Women Connecting. Monica was chosen to be the president from 2009 to 2012. In Brazil last year we promoted the first Women’s Conference for the Southeast Churches and there were over 100 ladies participating.
Another ministry that Monica and I work with together is the Couples Ministry. We give them a course on marriage during the second semester of each year.
BRLM Mission statement is to “Reach the Portuguese-Speaking World for Jesus Christ”. There 9 countries and over 230 million people that speak Portuguese in the world. The Churches of Christ/Christian Churches in Brazil have sent and support mission work in all of these countries. So we have teamed up with this mission work. They use all of our discipleship material and when it is possible we go personally to visit and encourage them. Last February Roger and I went to Mozambique, Brother John Leech, elder and mission leader from Seymour Heights Christian Church, went with us also. Our goals for the next year are: Continue with the evangelistic events and discipleship programs. Plant the Jundiai Church in the fall of 2009. We need $10,000 (US Dollars) to start up and $1,000 per month for 3 years for this church plant. Plant the Caeiras Church in the fall of 2010. Visit the mission work in Angola, September 2010.
We need to raise 24.5% increase on our regular support to so we can keep up the ministry work due to the devaluation of the US dollar. Our net loss is $1,300 (US Dollars). God is good all the time and all the time God is Good!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff, Monica, Roger, and Isaac Fife

Reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!
Evangelism - Dicipleship - New Church Plant

Address For Contribution:
Brazil River of Life Ministries - c/o Elena Coelho
PO Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615
Ph: 423-741-4907
E-mail: ebrasa@hotmail.com

Address For Correspondence:
Rua dos Jacarandas, 120 Jardim Timbará
CEP 13233-152 - Campo Limpo Pta - SP - Brazil
Ph: 011-55-11-4038-3422 - Cell: 011-55-11-9955-7749
E-Mail: RLM_Fifes@hotmail - Blog: http://riveroflifeministries.blogspot.com/