
September 2018
We were blessed to have Isaac do his second internship with us this summer!
Isaac prepared a 1 minute and 28 second video to show a fraction of all he did this summer.
Please, take your time to watch! Thanks!
Thanks to all that made it possible for Isaac to help us this summer!
August 2018
Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World
Dear Friends,
We would like to share with you just a few highlights of what God been doing through us in the last few months.
In April we received the visit of our Brazilian Missionaries to Mozambique Kleber and Juracema, they had the opportunity to report at all BROLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) in Sao Paulo area. God is doing an amazing ministry through them among the Makua People. They have plant 94 churches, have baptized over 2000 ex-Muslims in to Christ, the Hope School has over 1000 students and the Hope Home has over 100 children.
Kleber and Juracema reporting at Bom Retiro Church
Regis a young man from the Bom Retiro Church was baptized in May. Regis has been coming to church for over 2 years, finally he was ready to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Samuel baptizing Regis
Deborah and Marcia from Pirituba Church were baptized in June.
Deborah was raise in the church, however she left church when she was adolescent and spend most of her life hating Christians. She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, almost die during the surgery to remove the cancer and came back to church and now she is a new creation.
Marcia had in many an abusive life until she met Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and her life was change.
Alberto baptizing Deborah
Clamerson baptizing Marcia
Thanks for the generosity of Brothers and Sisters in the USA a few years ago we were able to help build a water reservoir at the Hope Mission in Mozambique and now they been able to plant all year around and have food.
Plantation in Mozambique
The Water Reservoir
Reaching the homeless we serve breakfast and dinner to the homeless near the Pirituba Church every Sunday. Many have confess Christ as their Lord and Savior and many are getting back on their feet working and going back to their families.
Pirituba Team evangelizing the homeless on Sunday morning.
Two ex-homeless working at a gnocchi factory the owner, Valeria, looks very happy.
In July we received a team from Journey Christian Church. They came to teach English at the local churches. They had a full schedule teaching at Campo Limpo Paulista church in the morning to members of Campo Limpo Paulista and Jundiai churches, teaching at Pirituba church in the afternoon and in the evening at Sao Mateus church. This was a great experience they did a tremendous job we hope they will come back.
Journey Team at Campo Limpo Paulista
10 – Journey Team at Pirituba
Journey Team at Sao Mateus
We have been very blessed to have Isaac with us since May 16th for his second internship with BROLM. Isaac has preached, lead worship, done Communion and offering meditations at all BROLM churches in Sao Paulo. He is very talent and has grown so much in the last year. He will go back to USA on August 7th for his junior year at Johnson University. Isaac is working very hard to be trained to come back to Brasil as full time missionary when he finishes his studies in May 2020.
Isaac preaching at Jundiai Church
Please pray for us!
Monica and I continue to travel to Palmas every two months to teach on the Hands On Bible College. We will travel on the end of August.
On Sept 7th and 8th we will have the Jonathans Training (Tools for Disciple Making Movements) with Eric Barry and Tim Stapleton from Team Expansion at Pirituba for all the BROLM churches. We need a lot of wisdom to continue the day by day ministry activities; we have a very full schedule.
Monica and I will be coming to the USA on Nov 7th and we will stay until Dec 14th. We will be at ICOM in Cincinnati, OH, from Monday 12th to Sunday 18th; we have several meeting in preparation for my presidency for ICOM 2019. However, we are available to report/speak/visit to any of our supporters and possible new supporters during the 5 weeks that we will be in the USA. Looking forward to see you!
Thanks for your prayers and support they are vital for us!
Monica and I (Jeff)