
APRIL 2014
(Click on the pictures to enlarge them)
Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

Hebrew 11:6 tells us that, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him”. To live by faith is our goal, that God exists we do not have any doubts and God’s Word has proven to be true to us many, many times. He is always rewarding us. Our hearts are full of gratitude!

Let us share with you some ministry highlights:

Youth Camp
 Every year at the end of the summer in Brazil BRoLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) promotes a Youth Camp with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ in state of Sao Paulo. The ideal would be to promote a camp during the summer or during the Carnaval holidays. However, since we have to rent a location, because we still do not have our own camp facility, and to rent it is very expensive during the summer and during the Carnaval holidays, we end up renting a location from Friday night to Sunday afternoon after the school has started.
Youth groups from the Campinas, Campo Limpo Paulista, Jundiai, Piracicaba, Pirituba and São Mateus Churches participated. Each church had the opportunity to lead one of the worship services, and the youth leader from each church spoke.

Jundiai Church 4th Anniversary
Wow, it has been four years since the Jundiai Church was planted. The first service was at the Santa Gula Restaurant. This church plant has been a great blessing. The first few months they met at the restaurant, then they rented a small store front, and last year they moved to what it used to be a car shop. 
The church members worked hard to clean and fix up the place, and after a whole year's worth of hard work the place looks great. However, what it is most important is the souls that this church is reaching through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
Brother Ruben and his team are doing a great job; this church is totally self-supported! Praise the Lord!

Primetime Sunday School
I (Jeff) was honored with the opportunity to teach a couple of weeks at First Christian Church – Johnson City – Primetime Sunday School Class on Multiply (Disciples Making Disciples). It was a blessing!

Celebrate with us – Monica’s Life - 6th Anniversary!
On April 1, 2008, the doctors removed Monica’s brain tumor. She was not supposed to live or she was supposed to have severe sequelea from the tumor. By God’s grace Monica is alive, even though she still has some limitations. She is alive and well among us and we are thankful to our Lord for allowing her to stay with us! Thanks for your prayers and help; we are blessed beyond measurement. 

Pray for the Simonette Family
On our last report we asked you to pray for Brother Jose Simonette, minister at Campo Limpo Paulista, and his family that were assaulted. Brother Simonette’s mother had a stroke and died in March which added more stress; however, under the circumstances they are well. Thanks for your prayers!

“Hands On” Bible College
We are happy to announce that we have received the gifts needed to meet the “Hands On” Bible College 2014 budget. We serve a mighty God!
June 28, we will have our first graduating class at the “Hands On” Bible College in Brazil. This is a great blessing!
Robert Fife (Jeff’s older brother), missionary in Portugal has asked BRoLM to help launch the “Hands On” Bible College in Portugal too. Thus, this year, by God's grace we will help maintain the “Hands On” Bible Colleges in Brazil and Mozambique, and help launch the “Hands On” Bible Colleges in Angola, Guinea Bissau and Portugal.

Monica and I (Jeff) are happy to announce that by God’s grace we are graduating. I will graduate from Johnson University - Intercultural Studies (MA) – on April 25 and Monica will graduate from Milligan College – Fine Arts (BA) – on May 10.

Please, pray for our travel plans, here are our current plans:
May 23 Leave to Brazil
August 11-18 Mozambique
August 18-25 Angola
September 15-22 Guinea Bissau
September 22-29 Portugal

20/50 Campaign
We've been very blessed with some one time gifts and some increase from those who support us, and we are very thankful. However, we still need $750 per month to reach BROLM's 2014 budget. Thus, we still need 15 new or current individuals/churches to start/increase their support with $50 or more a month.  Please pray and consider participating in this challenge. Help us reach this goal!  Thanks!

Available to Speak
We are available to speak and visit our supporters from April 1 to May 20 and from October 1 to December 8. We will be at Colonial Heights Christian Church on October 23 and at ICOM (International Conference on Missions) in Columbus, OH, November 13-16 (Exhibit 1105).

BRoLM Annual Board Meeting
BRoLM will have its board meeting on April 10 at Elizabethton, TN. Please, pray that God will lead the board and that all the decisions made will honor Him!

God is doing great things through BRoLM, and your prayers and support are vital! Please, continue to pray so the Lord will use BRoLM more and more for His honor and glory!
May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Thanks for praying for us!

Jeff & Monica Fife

Gifts received from Jan 1to March 31, 2014
IN MEMORY OF                     DONATED FROM
Dorothy Young                      Harry Young
IN HONOR OF                       DONATED FROM

Monica Fife            Dr. David & Margaret Eubanks