

Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38ASV

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

Through your prayers and financial support BRoLM is being able to do great things in God’s Kingdom for His honor and glory!

Here are some highlights from September 2013

 (Click on the pictures to enlarge them)

Fortaleza New Church Plant:

In June 2008, as I (Jeff) spoke at the Christian Church/Churches of Christ Ministerial Update in Brasilia, I had the privilege to meet a dear Brother, Pedro Agostinho Junior, from the northeast of Brazil. At the Update I was invited to speak on the Stone-Campbell Movement and Brother Pedro was responsible for launching the first Latin-American about the Stone-Campbell Movement Website (http://www.movimentoderestauracao.com/). So we had a lot to talk about, there we started a great friendship!

Brother Pedro was born in Fortaleza, Ceara, in 1968, and he was baptized at the Central Church of Christ A Capella in August 27, 1991, where he became a youth leader and later was sent to the A Capella EBNESR Bible College in Recife, Pernambuco. In Recife he helped plant 3 A Capella Churches and worked with the A Capella Churches until 2007, when he decided to become part of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
 After helping plant new churches in Recife, Pedro and his family decided to move back to Fortaleza in 2011 where he has helped his Brother to plant a new church at Maracanau, part of Fortaleza metropolitan area; however he lives in the other side of the city at Grande Montese. Fortaleza is the 5th largest city of Brazil with a population of 3.7 million.
 Pedro and I had been talking about planting a new church in Grande Montese, and last month he started to promote a Service at his home, and two small groups; one for youth and one for ladies. In the first month they have already had their first fruit; Sister Marli was baptized.

 It is an honor for BRoLM to partner in planting this new church in Grande Montese, Fortaleza, Ceara, with Brother Pedro and his family. Please, pray for Brother Pedro, his family and this new church plant (http://www.fortaleza4c.blogspot.com.br/).

Varzea Paulista New Church Plant:

For almost two years now, the Campo Limpo Paulista and Jundiai Churches have been promoting a Monthly Children’s Outreach in Varzea Paulista. Most of the children  that have come are very poor and they come  from dysfunctional homes. Many of them do not have a father; if they do have a father, he is an alcoholic or drug user. The mothers, grandmas and aunts are always present at the Children’s Outreach. Therefore, in September they started a monthly Women’s Outreach also. Now once a month, they will have a special  meeting for the children and on another Saturday for the women. Please, pray for this new outreach.

Please, pray also as we are forming a team between the elders from Campo Limpo Paulista and Jundiai Churches to plant the Varzea Paulista Church.

Campo Limpo Paulista Church Baptism:

Brother Jose Simonette baptized Francisco & Andreza. This new couple was reached to Christ by Edinho & Hartenia, Edinho is a deacon in training at the Campo Limpo Paulista Church.

 Jundiai Church Baptism:

Brother Ruben baptized Beatriz daughter of Marcio & Leda Segala members of the Jundiai church.
He also baptized Tatiana, Valdecir’s niece.  Tatiana’s mother, Valdecir’s sister, was killed last year by her ex-boyfriend as she was working. However God has openned the opportunity for Valdecir to witness to his family through this tragedy. His mother was baptized not too long ago and now his niece. It was a very emotional baptism! Valdecir is an Elder in training at the Jundiai church!

20/50 Campaign:

Last month we sent out BRoLM’s 2013 Annual Report, 2012 Financial Audit Report and 2014 Budget. As you were able to see God is doing mighty things through BRoLM in the Portuguese-Speaking World and He has given us a great vision with greater goals for 2014.

In the 2014 budget, we stated that if the supporters that have supported BRoLM in 2013 continue with their regular support in 2014, BRoLM would need to raise an extra $5,650.04 to meet the 2014 budget. However, we received a notice from a couple that has supported BRoLM since 2003 with $500 per month ($6.000 per year), saying that for personal reasons they will not be able to continue to support BRoLM in 2014. We are very grateful for this couple's faithfulness in supporting BRoLM through the last 10 years, however their support will be greatly missed.

So now to meet BRoLM's 2014 budget we need an extra $11,650.04, we know that our God is our provider and that He will touch people's hearts to meet BRoLM's budget needs, and we hope that we will not have to stop or delay any of the ministries to which we are committed for 2014. However, if we could have 20 individuals/churches give just $50 more each month, that would cover BRoLM's budget needs for 2014.

Please pray that God will touch people's hearts to support BRoLM this year.  If you are not a current supporter, please consider adding us on your list for $50 a month.  If you ARE a current supporter, would you especially consider adding an extra $50 to your contribution.  Again, if 20 individuals/churches add just $50 more each month to your contribution, we will meet the entire budgetary needs for 2014! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and financial support for BRoLM!

God is doing great things through BRoLM, and your prayers and support are vital! Please, continue to pray so the Lord will use BRoLM more and more for His honor and glory!

May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus! Thanks!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff & Monica Fife
