
March 2010, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Dear friends,

Greetings from your co-workers to the Portuguese-Speaking world!

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29.11

This verse has been in our hearts since we came back to Brazil in Dec, 2001. We believe that these are the plans the Lord has for us, plans to prosper us, to give us hope and a future. As we try to do His will and work in His harvest we never forget that His plans are the best ones, and we try to seek daily His plans for our lives and ministry. So before we make any decisions we seek His plans, the counsel of Godly people and then we try to do His will. Sometimes we make plans and God laughs, and as time goes by we see that He has other plans and we have to adapt to His plans.

We would like to share some of the highlights of what God has done through us in the last couple months and present some new plans that we believe are God’s will for our lives at the present moment.

New Years Eve Service at Campo Limpo Church on Dec 31. The service started at 10:00 p.m. and at midnight we had Communion and then we had a big New Years Feast. It is a Brazilian custom to start the New Year at church seeking God’s presence and His blessing for the New Year! During the service people have the opportunity to give their testimonies of what God has done in their lives during the past year. One of the testimonies that touched us the most was Rodrigo’s. During the New Years Eve Service three year ago Rodrigo’s wife Elizabete brought him to church, Rodrigo was addicted to cocaine and he was on dope when he came to church. I (Jeff) preached that night and give the opportunity for people to become a Christian and Rodrigo says that he does not understand but he raise his hand to give his life to Christ that night. For him New Years Eve Service is very special, not only to celebrate the New Year, but to celebrate his birth in Christ. Rodrigo has been free from drugs for three years and he is being trained to become a deacon at Campo Limpo Church.

The Flamboyant Church in Campinas dedicated their new building on Jan 03. They bought a lot a few years ago and were able to build the first phase of the construction and move in. Brother Justino is responsible for this church. The Flamboyant Church was use by God to plant the churches in Americana, Piracicaba, Pedreiras and Paulinha during the 17 years that Justino has been there. Justino was my dad’s (Tom Fife) student at the seminar in Goiania back in the 70’s. Justino helped plant three other churches in Goiania before he moved to Campinas. During the time we have been in Sao Paulo we have done many events with these churches and helped Justino on many occasions. As president of the Christian Church/Church of Christ Southeast Association we were invited to the dedication.

Monica gives her testimony at Pirituba Church on Jan 10. During the 9½ hours surgery time that Monica went through to remove the tumor from her head the ladies at Pirituba’s Church stayed at the church fasting and praying for her, they did not leave the church until we called from the hospital saying that she had left the surgery room and was fine. Monica has had the opportunity to give her testimony of what she went through during the whole process of discovering that she had the tumor, the surgery, and recovery showing how great is our God on many occasions. On April 1st we will celebrate two years that Monica had her surgery. We serve a mighty God!
Visit to the church at Ribeirão Preto on Jan 17. Monica and I (the boys stayed at Monica’s parents) traveled to Ribeirão Preto which is about 4 hours drive from our home to visit the church there and invite them to participate in the Summer Youth Camp in Feb. Brother Laercio is responsible for this church. It was a great visit!

Visit to the church at Campos Eliseos, Campinas on Jan 24. Brother Tiago is responsible for this church and we went there to promote the Summer Youth Camp.
Campo Limpo Church celebrates its 5th Anniversary on Jan 29, 30 and 31. On Friday Brother Edson preached and the Campo Limpo worship team led worship. On Saturday the churches at Campos Eliseos, Carrãozinho, Flamboyant, Pirituba came and presented with their worship teams and I preached. On Sunday a well known worship leader in Brazil with many CD’s recorded Brother Ronaldo Bezerra lead worship and brought the message. The church at Campo Limpo is doing very well after Brother Edson became the Senior Minister. It is great to see a church that Monica and I started with 11 members in Jan, 2005 and today has over 100 members and it is self supported and is planting a new church in Jundiai. During these 5 years our ministry was to plant a church that would not depend on us, but would only depend on God. We started with many evangelistic events, lots of discipleship and leadership training, and today they are pursuing to do God’s will without us being there and they are doing great. Praise the Lord!
Fourteen Baptized on Saturday Jan 30. During the Campo Limpo Church Anniversary, we had 6 baptized from Campo Limpo Church and 8 from Carrãozinho Church.

Christian Church/Church of Christ Southeast Association met at the Flamboyant Church in Campinas on Feb 6. Leaders from the Churches in Americana, Campo Limpo, Campos Eliseos, Carraozinho, Flamboyant, Pedreiras, Piracicaba and Pirituba were present. At this meeting we decided all the events that we are going to promote in 2010.
Two Elders ordained at Pirituba Church on Feb 7. Brother Odelmo, Monica’s father is the minister at this Church and he invited me to preach and participate in the ordination of two elders, Brothers Andre and Gerson. For us this ceremony was very special since Brother Gerson was with us when we planted the Pirituba Church back in 1992, he was very young then and played the drums for the worship team at that time.

Chosen Generation was the theme for our Summer Youth Camp Feb 13 through 16 during the Carnival holidays. We rented a camp and promoted our first Christian Church/Church of Christ Summer Youth Camp. The churches at Campo Limpo, Carrãozinho, Campos Eliseos, Flamboyant and Piracicaba sent their youth. We had 80 campers with 37 from Campo Limpo.

First Service at Jundiai on Feb 21. FCC-JC (First Christian Church in Johnson City, TN), donated start up to plant the Jundiai Church. The Campo Limpo Church is planting this daughter church and we are coordinating. Brother Rubao is responsible for this church. We bought the sound equipment and we are looking for a location to rent. One of the families that are part of this new church plant has a restaurant in downtown Jundiai and they are only open for lunch from Monday through Saturday, so in the mean time as we find a location to rent we are using the restaurant to meet. We had 84 present for the first service, and we are averaging 50 on Sundays and 40 on Thursday night services. The restaurant is small and only can accommodate 60 people, so we need to find a location as soon as possible. Of the total $1,000 (US Dollars) that we need per month to help during the first 3 years, FCC-JC is helping with $300 and Seymour Heights Christian Church with $300, so we still need to raise $400 (US Dollars) per month for this new church plant. This money is to help pay for the rent. In Jundiai we cannot rent a location for less than $2,000 (US Dollars) per month, so they are assuming 50% of the cost. Brother Rubao is a High School Principal and will not be paid by the church.
Carraozinho Church Celebrated its 3rd Anniversary on Feb 27. This church was planted with the financial support of Seymour Heights Christian Church and is doing very well. Brother Gilberto is responsible for this church. The Campo Limpo, Campos Eliseos, Flamboyant and Pirituba Church were present and led worship and I preached.

Leaders of Brazil River of Life Ministries Churches met on Mar 6. At this meeting we voted the new board for two more years. President Jeff Fife, Vice-President Odelmo (Pirituba Church), 1st Secretary Rubão (Jundiai Church), 2nd Secretary Gerson (Pirituba Church), 1st Treasure Edson (Campo Limpo Church) and 2nd Treasure Gilberto (Carraozinho Church).
Korean-Portuguese Speaking New Church Plant at Bom Retiro, Sao Paulo. Brother Lee from Seoul Christian Church in Korean called us and asked us to partner on a New Church Plant in Sao Paulo. Bom Retiro is in downtown Sao Paulo and has been declared by the Government of Sao Paulo as Korean Town. Brother Park and his family have lived in Brazil since 1984 and have helped at the Acapella Church of Christ at Vila Guilherme, but his business is at Bom Retiro and now they want to plant a Christian Church at Bom Retiro. Brother Lee will send a couple from Seoul to minister in Korean and my father-in-law Odelmo will minister in Portuguese. We are providing all the documentation for the couple to come from Korea. We have met with Brother Park and his family for a couple meals and they have come to many of our events and church services. Pray for this New Church Plant; it is interesting how God works.
Please pray for Monica’s health. Monica is fighting a urine infection since Dec, 2009. When she discovered that she had the infection the exam showed that she had almost 2 million leucocytes. She took antibiotics for 20 days and she did a new exam and she still had almost 1 million leucocytes. They changed the antibiotic and she took for 20 days and did the exam again and she still had 70 thousand leucocytes, now she is taking another antibiotic for more 20 days and after this 20 days the doctor wants her to take another antibiotic for 30 more days as prevention.

New plans for 2010! We have counseled with our trustees and with their blessing we are planning to come to the USA March 31st, 2010 for a longer furlough this time. What do we intend to accomplish during the time we are in the USA:

1. Get Roger through his last year of High School and in to College.
2. Visit all of our supporters.
3. Raise new support.

These are the main reasons. Today we do not have enough support to continue living and working in Brazil. The devaluation of the US Dollar and the increase of prices in Brazil have been the main reason why we do not have enough support. Just so you have an idea, in eight years food as gone up an average of 450%, an example a gallon of milk was $0.80 (US Dollars) and today the gallon of milk is $3.60 US Dollars. A gallon of gasoline is $5.70 (US Dollar). We know that the Brazilian Socialist Communist Government is telling the world that Brazil is not in crises and is doing very well financially; sorry to disappoint but it is all politics propaganda. The reality is very different. Over 30% of the members at our churches have lost their jobs in the last two years and most cannot live on their salary.

During the time that we are going to stay in the USA, the work in Brazil and Mozambique that is supported by BRLM (Brazil River of Life Ministries) will continue with the same vision and purpose. Our ministry has been Evangelism, Discipleship and New Church Plants and we have men trained and equipped to continue the work without us being personally in Brazil as well as the work in Mozambique. We will continue to coordinate the ministry through e-mail and phone.

I (Jeff) will continue to write the weekly discipleship material that is use at the home prayer groups every Tuesday night in Brazil, I’ll continue to write the monthly discipleship material that it is used at all the Brazil River of Life Ministries Churches, the churches in Mozambique and other churches in the Portuguese-Speaking world, over 600 churches use our discipleship material free of charge. I’ll send this material by e-mail and we already have people responsible to print them at each location. We will continue with the Bible College, we have 10 men that are studying at the Bible College that will become evangelists and future ministers to the new church plants. Our goal is to plant 15 more churches in the cities that are around Campo Limpo Paulista and Jundiai area. If God provides the support needed we would like to plant a new church every other year.

I guess we could say that during the time we will be in the USA we will work as an Executive Director for BRLM, raising support and coordinating the work from a distance.

Hope you understand our explanation and if you have any questions we are ready to answer them. We are available to speak and give reports and we would like to visit all of our supporters and visit potential new ones.

Here are some engagements that we already have for 2010 in the USA and Brazil.
April 5 – 50th Ministerial Anniversary Service of my parents (Tom and Libby Fife) at Emmanuel School of Religion.
April 14-18 – World Convention Board Meeting – Nashville, TN
May 1-2 – Missions Fair at Valley View CC – Dallas, TX
June 21-27 – Women Global Connection Convention – North Carolina (Monica is the president)
September 10-12 – Women National Convention – Brasilia, Brazil (Monica Speaker)
Missions Fair at Colonial Heights CC – Kingsport, TN
Missions Fair at First CC – Johnson City, TN
November 12-14 – National Convention – Goiania, Brazil (Jeff Speaker)
November 18-21– National Missionary Convention – Lexington, KY

Your prayers and financial support are vital for us! Please continue to pray for us, we need all the prayers we can get!

God is good all the time and all the time God is Good!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff, Monica, Roger, and Isaac Fife