
Dear Prayer warriors,
I was readying Jeremiah for my devotional yesterday and I was blessed with this verse “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,” declares the Lord (Jeremiah 30:17a). Even though God is talking about Restoring Israel, we believe that He can do the same for Monica.
On Monday (Oct 29) afternoon we went to see the surgeon and we were very happy to hear that her healing process is going well. The drainage is going well and the two surgery wounds look great. We are supposed to continue the daily dressing process and since things are looking good he wants to see her back in couple weeks. Monica still needs to stay in bed, cannot move around and she is supposed to keep taking the pain medication every 6 hours.
After all the driving, moving around and all they did on her surgery wounds at the surgeons office yesterday, Monica was in much pain last night and it took her a long time to be comfortable again. She still feels weak and sick, however we are thankful to our good Lord for the improvement on the healing progress and we are believing Jeremiah 30:17a in the name of Jesus.
Thanks for your prayers, we believe in a God who hears and answers our prayers, please continue to pray for Monica’s total recovery.
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!        
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife


At the clinic this Monday (Oct 22), according to the surgeon, Monica’s recovery is going well, however she is expected to continue in bed recuperating for another 4 to 6 weeks. The surgeon wants to see Monica every Monday to check drainage process on both surgery wounds. For the time being his is not referring Monica to an Intestine Specialist Surgeon, depending on the recuperation process in the next two months he will determined if she needs more surgeries or not. Monica continues to take strong pain medicine every 6 hours, and I am changing the wounds packing as many times as it is needed per day.
Please, continue to pray for Monica, the journey of recovery is expected to be longer than what we expected, however we are thankful for all of God’s provisions. He has showed us His love and care in every situation. We continue to pray that God will bring totally healing and that Monica will recover a lot sooner than expected and that she will not need any more surgeries in Jesus name.
Thanks for your prayers and all of your demonstrations of love and kindness they mean a lot for us!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us! 
 In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife

Oct 19, 2012
Dear prayer warriors,
We serve a Mighty God that listen and answer our prayers! Thank you for praying!
Monica was very brave and was able to remove all the packing yesterday close to noon. We were able to change the doctors’ appointment to 3 pm and when we got there the nurse told us that she had talk with the surgeon, who is on vacation, and he told her that if Monica did not remove the packing he was going to have to operate her to remove. Our hearts are full of gratitude for your prayers, for God answering your prayers and helping Monica to remove the packing! Praise the Lord!
On Monday at 2:15 pm Monica is due back at the surgeon’s office and he will see if she needs more surgery and if she does he will referral her to an intestine surgeon specialist. Please, pray that Monica will not need more surgery that the healing that is supposed to be happening inside is happening for God’s honor and glory. My mission now is to continuo to pack with gauze both surgery wounds, so the wound will stay open and will continue to drain so it will get healed from inside out.
Once again, thank you very much for your prayers and please continue to pray for the healing processes and that Monica will not need any more surgeries in the name of Jesus!
I was supposed to be leaving to Brazil today for a fallow up with the churches and its leaders, for a wedding tomorrow, a weeding next Saturday, a big celebration on Nov 3 and to encourage the Pirituba Church. THE MISSION TRIP IS CANCEL! God knows all things and when Monica is back on her feet I will reschedule this trip.
God is good, all the time and He is acting among us!
In HIS love and service,
Jeff & Monica Fife


Dear prayer warriors,
After some medical consultations in the end of last year Monica was referred to a surgeon for a fistulectomy. Since Monica has a previous health condition (because of the removal of the brain tumor in 2008), we haven't been able to get health insurance for her. We've been blessed with Christian doctors who have taken care of Monica free of charge, however for her to undergo surgery, we need to pay for the surgical clinic and anesthetist. We tried to save money to pay for her surgery in May, however we had other expenses that did not allow us to save the money needed. After 105 days in Brazil we came back to the USA and Monica was not well, so we went back to the surgeon on Sept 27. The surgeon wanted to do the surgery immediately because Monica had a second fistula and he thought she might have Crohn’s disease. So he scheduled the surgery for Oct 5, so he could do the two fistulectomies and a colonoscopy. Monica got very sick on Sept. 29 with pain all over her body; she stayed in bed and the doctors prescribe pain medicine and antibiotics, however she needed to undergo surgery no matter what.
Monica was supposed to go undergo surgery early Oct 5th and go home the same day, however when the surgeon saw all the infection, he decided that Monica needed to be transferred to the hospital. The surgeon said that he'd never done a fistulectomy with such a degree of infection. He is very concerned and believes Monica will need at least two more surgeries to solve the problem, and her colon needs to be restored. Thank God the colonoscopy did not show any diseases in Monica's intestine. God is good!
Monica was discharged from the hospital on Sunday afternoon, Oct 7, and is in bed at home. The surgical wound has to stay open for drainage to avoid any more infection. Monica will see the surgeon on Wednesday Oct 17! We were blessed with gifts to cover the cost for the surgical center, anesthetist, and colonoscopy, however we don't know how much we'll pay for the days she stayed in the hospital, for all the medications, and possible future surgeries.
Please, pray for Monica’s recovery; we believe in miracles and if it is for God’s honor and glory she will not need any more surgeries. She is very worried that she may lose the school semester, since the surgeon told us that it will take from 6 to 10 weeks to recover from the first surgery and to prepare for the possible second surgery. She has tried to do her school work, however the pain medicine makes her groggy and she cannot concentrate. Please, pray for the boys and me as we try to help Monica and at the same time keep up with our studies.
Praise the Lord with us for Christian doctors who have taken care of Monica, for the gifts that we have received to help pay for the surgery, anesthetist, colonoscopy and for Monica’s life.
Some have asked for our home address in the USA, here it is: 309 West H Street, Elizabethton, TN 37643
Thank you very much for your prayers!
All the time, God is good and He is acing among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife
Missionaries/Executive Directors
Reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!
Evangelism - Dicipleship - New Church Plant
P.O. Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615
Ph/Fax: 423-543-8061 Mobile:  423-433-8390
Skype jeff.fife Facebook: Jeff e Monica Fife
Blog: http://brazilriveroflifeministries.blogspot.com/


NAME:            BRoLM - Brazil River of Life Ministries (Jeff and Monica Fife)


P.O. Box 8262 – Gray – TN – 37615
E-mail: fife@brolm.org    
Skype: Jeff.fife
Facebook: Jeff E Monica Fife


In the USA Phone/Fax: (423) 543-8061 Mobile: (423) 433-8390
In Brazil Phone/Fax: 55-11-4039-1484 Mobile: 55-11-99511-2436


Brazil River of Life Ministries - c/o Elena Coelho
PO Box 8262 - Gray - TN 37615
Mobile: 423-631-8689


Portuguese-Speaking World (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, São Tome and Principe, Portugal and USA)


Brazil River of Life Ministries is celebrating 12 years this year.
Monica and I (Jeff) were born and raised working in the ministry with our parents in the Portuguese-Speaking world, and we celebrated 24 years of ministry together in February 2012. Before we were married, we worked at the Evangelistic Association in Sao Paulo.


We may not be at the same location for the rest of our lives, but we are committed to this ministry for life.


For life!


Evangelism (X)                        Church Planting (X)
Equipping/Discipling (X)        Missionary Assistance ( )
Medical Missions ( )               Benevolence (X)
Missionary Preparation (X)   Translation Services (X)
Counseling (X)                        Short Term Missions (X)
Other ( ) Please Explain:


Mission: Reach the Portuguese-Speaking world for Jesus Christ so they can reach the rest of the world.

Vision: Reach the lost through Evangelism, mentoring and equipping through Discipleship, to Plant New Churches, provide Assistance and Justice where needed.


Get up at 7:00 a.m.
Take Isaac to school at 7:30 a.m.
2 hours per day are devoted to prayer, devotion and reading.
2 hours per day are devoted to preparation of discipleship, preaching, and teaching materials.
Jeff – Takes online classes at Johnson University (that demands 40 hours of studies per week)
Monica – Attend classes at Milligan College (15 hours per week that demands 30 hours of studies out of the classroom per week)
Check e-mail and correspondence as needed, and as time permits.
At 5:00 p.m., pick up Isaac at school from practice.
Our family dinner is served at 6:00 p.m.
Monday through Saturday we exercise in the evening for 1 hour each day.
Isaac goes to bed at 10:00 p.m. I (Jeff) personally read the Bible and pray with him before he goes to bed every night.
Monica goes to bed around midnight.
Jeff goes to bet around 2:00 a.m.


o   Coordinate the work in Brazil.
o   Preaching live online every Sunday at the Pirituba Church in Sao Paulo where Jeff is the interim minister.
o   Meet online after the Pirituba service with the elders to see about the activities of the week before and the activities for the next week.
o   Answer many questions and advise in many occasions, almost daily by e-mails and some phone calls from the members from the Pirtuba Church.
o   Keep in touch with our co-workers and partners in reaching the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ (Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and USA).
o   Prepare discipleship material that is used weekly in Brazil, Angola, Guinea Bissau and Mozambique.
o   Write a monthly journal that it is distributed on the first week of each month at over 600 churches in the Portuguese-Speaking World.
o   Meet online once a month with the leaders from the churches in Brazil.
o   Answer many questions and advise in many occasions during the month, almost daily by e-mails and some phone calls from the leaders in Brazil and the Brazilian missionaries Kleber and Juracema in Mozambique.
o   Help coordinate the “Hands On” Bible College in Brazil.
o   Visit all of our supporters and potential new supporters.
o   Speak and teach at various churches when invited.
o   Complete the activities for the online classes at Johnson (Jeff) and Milligan (Monica) so we can be better prepared for the ministry.


We are amazed with what God is doing through Brazil River of Life Ministries.
The sole purpose for Jeff’s studies at Johnson is to be able to offer higher education in the Portuguese-Speaking world, so we can prepare more workers for the harvest. Our goal is to offer “Hands On” Bible College education, not only in Brazil, but also in all the Portuguese-Speaking countries. For this reason, Jeff needs at minimum a Master's degree, so these countries' governments will recognize what we are doing.
The “Hands ON” Bible College in Campo LImpo Paulista is doing very well; in June Jeff taught concerning The Restoration (Stone-Campbell) Movement and in July, Monica taught Praise and Worship for 35 students.
From May 3rd to August 13th, we worked with churches in Sao Paulo, Jeff preached 53 times at these churches; in some cases 8 times in one week (Tuesday @ Pirituba, Wednesday @ Sao Mateus, Thursday @ Jundiai, Friday @ Campo Limpo Pta, Saturday @ at youth outreaches, Sunday morning @ Jundiai, afternoon @ Bom Retiro, evening @ Pirituba). Jeff met with each minister separately and with the elders of each church. Monica led the music and had many meetings with the ladies and children's ministry leaders of the churches. We were so happy to see how much they have grown spiritually and numerically. It is great to see the Brazilians stepping up and assuming leadership positions. God is blessing the churches in Brazil! However, the biggest highlight of the summer was the opportunity to see 18 baptized (10 in July and 8 in August) into Christ. God is good!
The church in Pirituba was going through a crisis at the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012; the church only had 17 members and one elder left. The minister had gotten a loan from the bank without approval from the congregation in 2011 and when members discovered this, they began leaving the church. The remaining members decided to get in touch with us in January, and report what was occurring; we knew nothing about the loan. They told us that they were leaving the church too; they could not take it anymore; we told them that if the congregation would vote and agree, I (Jeff) would become their interim minister starting in May. They held the congregational meeting in February and the vote was unanimous; 5 more members came back and on May 6th I became their interim minister. The church had many financial problems with the bank and the government, was in the midst of construction, with sound equipment (speakers full of termites etc.) We worked hard and God blessed our work; the church now has 53 members and is growing. We are taking care of all the problems and trying to resolve them as quickly as possible. The church has separated 3 elders, to be in training for two years, and to be voted on by the congregation when the training is over. The church decided that they wanted me to continue as their interim minister, preaching online on Sundays and leading them from a distance. This experience it has been a great one; to see them every Sunday and see their growth is a blessing!
Another highlight was the blessing of receiving some visitors in Brazil.
Dr. David Eubanks arrived on Sunday July 14 and left on Saturday July 20 to Brasilia. During the time he was with us he spoke to these churches: Bom Retiro and Pirituba on Sunday, Pirituba on Tuesday, Sao Mateus on Wednesday, Jundiai on Thursday and Campo Limpo on Friday. Dr. Eubanks spoke also at the Forum Pre-World Convention and in some churches in Brasilia; he attended the World Convention in Goiania and spoke in some churches there too. Attached is a letter that Dr. Eubanks wrote about the work in Brazil.
We received also the “Experience Brazil 2012 Team,” the team arrived on Saturday July 20 and left on Monday July 30. The team was formed of Brothers and Sisters from different locations in the USA, Richard and Peggy Ziblar from Tulsa, OK; Luz and Gloria Bacerra from Miami, FL; Bob and Sabine Schnelle and LeAnn Blackmore from Johnson City, TN. On Saturday July 20 they participated in a big celebration at Campo Limpo Church; on Sunday they attended the morning services at Jundiai, in the afternoon at Bom Retiro, and in the evening at Pirituba. LeAnn Blackmore spoke at all three services. On Monday we did some tourism and on Tuesday, we and the team flew to Brasilia for the Forum Pre-World Convention. On Wednesday we traveled by bus to Goiania to attend the World Convention, which ended on Saturday night. On Sunday morning we attended the services at North Goiania Church where Jeff's parents worked; during the service, Jeff's parents were honored for their many years of service. On Sunday afternoon we did some touring of Goiania and in the evening we attended the service at Novo Horizonte Church where Dr. Gary Weedman spoke. On Monday after a great lunch at a Brazilian Churracaria (steak house) we traveled to Brasilia so the team could return to the USA.
Since 2008 I have been the liaison person between the World Convention international board and the local board in Brazil. I have devoted many hours to translating and helping organize the 2012 World Convention in Brazil. To see the convention occur in Brazil was a blessing, I had opportunity to translate for some of the meetings and to coordinate the translations for the main sessions. According to the office in Brazil, there were close to 4 thousand at the Convention, over 300 from all over the world. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve; I am still translating some correspondence after the World Convention.
Monica has served since 2008 as the president for the Global Women Connecting that met during the World Convention in Goiania. She was very blessed with a great team that help her organize the Women's Convention that was held in the afternoons during the World Convention, over 400 women attended. Monica also was one of the speakers and LeAnn Blackmore from the “Experience Brazil 2012 Team” was also one of the speakers. Monica has been asked to continue to serve as president until the Koreans appoint a new president, since the 2016 World Convention and Global Women Connecting Convention will be in Korea.
The ministry in Mozambique is celebrated 16 years in September 29, 2012, and we are blessed to participate in this ministry. They have planted 63 churches, the grade school has 1052 students this year, 32 girls are living at the Hope Home and we hope that we will have the opportunity to start a “Hands On” Bible College there next June 2013.
We could share many other highlights and give many testimonies of how God has blessed Brazil River of Life Ministries in the last year. He is doing mighty things!

Dr. David Eubanks Letter:

"I was blessed to spend a week with Jeff and Monica Fife in Sao Paulo on a trip that I made to Brazil in July. I spoke in four of the churches with which they work and a Korean Church with which they have close contact and give encouragement to. I stayed in their home and enjoyed their hospitality and that of Monica's parents.  I also had much interaction with them a week later in the city of Goiania, where Jeff grew up under the strong missionary ministry of his father and mother. Monica is Brazilian, and Jeff, by culture, is more Brazilian than American. He is highly respected by the leaders of churches related to the Restoration Movement through-out Brazil.
Jeff is a church planter and leadership trainer. From my observation he is engaged in the most effective church planting work we have in and around Sao Paulo, one of the world's largest cities, that is supported by Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. He has a servant's heart accompanied by a passion for the lost, is a tireless worker, plans and manages well, spends frugally, and is deeply committed to training dedicated and capable Brazilians who will lead the churches and multiply themselves When he is able, he travels to Mozambique to assist and encourage a Brazilian missionary church planting evangelist who serves there. Many of the Brazilian churches are supporting missionaries in other countries.
Monica is talented and dedicated in her own right and was raised in a minister's home. She and their sons Roger and Isaac are great assets to the Fife missionary team.
Jeff has a dream of establishing a college/leadership training center in Sao Paulo and is engaged in graduate study to that end. Monica is furthering her education at the same time. When he is in Brazil, his days are long and his nights short as he leads in weekly activity with the eleven churches with which they work (three of which were established by Jeff). When they are in the US, he uses technology to the fullest to maintain weekly (sometimes daily) contact with church leaders there, instructing them, encouraging them, answering their questions, even preaching for one of the churches each Sunday evening via WebEx, until they can feel comfortable about selecting a new preacher.
I was impressed by the quality and dedication of the ministers and church leaders I met there who had been trained by Jeff (even the leaders in the church to which he preaches via WebEx), Most of the preachers currently also work at other jobs, and a number of the leaders are young professional men who are highly respected in their positions.
All in all, I believe that Jeff and Monica are worthy of support and are ministering in one of the most strategic cities in the world, where the work is difficult but the rewards for the Kingdom are great. May God bless their efforts."
David L. Eubanks


Monica's health continues to improve; she still has to deal with horrible headaches and some limitations, however most people do not notice that she has these limitations. We are thankful for her life.
Our older son Roger is a sophomore at Milligan College, and he is doing very well; he also plays soccer for the Tri Cities Soccer League.
Our younger son Isaac is a sophomore at Elizabethton High School; he is very active in sports and also plays soccer for the FC Dallas at Tri Cities.
Both of our sons continue to be strong in the Lord, and this is a huge highlight for us!
Monica and I survived the second year of school, and Monica is an honor roll student at Milligan.
Overall, the biggest highlight in our personal lives is to be found by God to be worthy, and it is He that makes us worthy, to work for Him in His Kingdom! In spite of us, He is merciful and He uses us for his honor and glory!


God has been very gracious to us! We see many ways in which we might be more effective in the ministry, and are striving toward this growth as we learn more each day with our Lord. However, at the same time, we see the hand of the Lord working through us as we see people coming to the Lord, and others being restored in their faith. Although for us, our first ministry is our family, and we have been blessed with very good children who are committed to the Lord. We could say that the Lord has done a marvelous work through our lives.
Everything we plan in ministry is based on prayer and fasting. Therefore, the markers we use to measure our effectiveness is to see God's approval. He has given us peace, courage, strength, and a spirit that does not give up in doing His work. We are seeing lives being saved and restored. We feel we have been doing what the Lord has called us to do, and this work is yielding fruit beyond our expectations.


During the school year, we are available to visit the churches at any time. We are available to come and report on the ministry to the Missions Committee, for mission moments during the services, Communion meditations, share in Sunday School classes, teach, preach etc. In any area in which the churches may need or want us to serve, we are available.


When you think of Brazil River of Life Ministries, you cannot just think Jeff, Monica and the boys. This is a ministry to reach the Portuguese-Speaking world. Over 270 million people speak Portuguese in the world. We work directly and in partnership with various ministries in the Portuguese-Speaking World. In Brazil we are committed to promote 1 evangelistic event per month, prepare and print discipleship material on both weekly and monthly bases, and plant new churches; each church we plant receives financial help from BRoLM for 3 years. In addition, we are committed to training new workers for the harvest through the “Hands On” Bible College so we can continue to have strong leadership at the local churches and plant new churches using our Bible College students. In Brazil alone, we have planted 11 churches and helped restore 8 churches in 6 different states. The ministry in Brazil is a team ministry, with a coordinator in each state.
Brazil River of Life Ministries works in partnership with missionaries in Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and the USA. In the near future, we plan to start a “Hands On” Bible College in each of these locations. However, we are already very involved with the work in Mozambique, not only in sending discipleship material but in also raising financial support for the work there.
Attached is the BRoLM 2013 detailed budget! You will note that on our 2013 budget we need an extra $1,079.17 per month to reach our monthly budget.
We will send the 2012 Financial Audit Report in the first quarter of 2013, as we did sent the 2011 Financial Report in the first quarter of 2012.


Evangelism                                            $  3,600.00
Discipleship                                           $  3,000.00
New Church Planting                             $12,000.00
Ministry/Missions/Benevolence            $  3,600.00
Government Taxes and Bank Fees     $     600.00
“Hands-On” Bible College                     $  7,000.00
Total Brazil Ministry                            $29,800.00

MOZAMBIQUE MINISTRY                 $  4,800.00

Phone/Mobile/Internet                            $  2,570.00
Operations                                              $  1,000.00
CPA                                                         $     800.00
Newsletters and others                          $  2,400.00
Traveling Expenses                                $  2,300.00
Total Operations Expenses               $  9,070.00

Salary                                                        $12,000.00
Home Allowance                                      $  9,600.00
Medical & Life Insurance                         $  5,400.00
Social Security                                          $  3,000.00
Retirement Plan                                        $  1,440.00
Total Living Expenses                          $31,440.00

Mozambique Mission Trip                    $  5,300.00*

Angola – Guinea Bissau Mission Trip    $  2,500.00**

TOTAL YEARLY EXPENSES               $82,910.00

* June 2013 (Jeff will start a “Hands On” Bible College and Monica will teach arts at the grade school)

** August 2013 (Jeff will speak at the National Christian Church/Church of Christ Convention and see about the possibilities of starting a “Hands On” Bible College in these countries)


Bethany Christian Church                         $  3,800.00
Braceville Christian Church                      $  1,500.00
Coffee Creek Christian Church                $     360.00
Colonial Heights Christian Church           $  5,500.00
Cornerstone Christian Church                  $  6,000.00
Seymour Heights Christian Church          $  9,240.00
TOTAL                                                        $26,400.00

INDIVIDUALS – SUPPORT (Friends and Family):
                                                           $     120.00
$     360.00
$     600.00
$     600.00
$  1,200.00
$  1,200.00
$  3,000.00
$  3,000.00
$  3,600.00
$  6,000.00
TOTAL                                              $19,680.00

First Christian Church                                $  7,680.00
Seymour Heights Christian Church          $  3,600.00
TOTAL                                                        $11,280.00

                                                          $         0.00
TOTAL                                                        $         0.00

Individual                                                      $     600.00
Seymour Heights Christian Church          $  3,000.00
Valley View Christian Church                    $  1,200.00
TOTAL                                                        $  4,800.00

TOTAL SUPORT:                                     $62,160.00
BRoLM 2013 Yearly Budget for the ministry in Brazil, Mozambique, Operations, Living and Mission Trips is $82,910.00. If the supporters that have supported BRoLM in 2012 continue with their regular support in 2013, between churches 
and individuals that support the ministry in Brazil and Mozambique, we have committed $62,160.00.

The areas where BRoLM needs more support for 2013 are New Church Plant $720.00; “Hands-On” Bible College $7,000.00; Operations Expenses Office USA $5,230.00; and Mission Trips to Mozambique, Angola and Guinea Bissau $7,800.00.

We believe with all of our heart that God will move peoples' hearts as He has moved yours, and we will reach this goal for His honor and glory. We have many goals for Brazil River of Life Ministries for 2013 – We want to continue reaching many souls for the Lord in 2013, please continue supporting BRoLM!

Thank you very much for supporting us!  Your prayers and financial support are vital for our lives and ministry.  May the Lord richly bless you!


We ask you to continue to pray for Monica's total health recovery. As we already mentioned, she has terrible headaches every month; she also has other limitations. For example, when she gets tired she loses control of some parts of her body; her legs will not stop shaking until she gets some rest.
Since Monica had the brain tumor in 2008, pre-condition, for this reason we have not been able to get her health insurance here in the USA. Doctors from Johnson City First Christian Church have taken care of Monica without any cost. What a blessing! In the end of 2011 we discover that Monica had a fistula and she needed a fistulectomy, the surgeon wanted to schedule the fistulectomy for the spring, however we did not have the financial resources for the surgery so we put it off for a few months. Lately, Monica was feeling worse, and discovered a second fistula, so we went back to the surgeon on Monday September 24. He wants to operate as soon as possible because he is worried, since things have gotten a lot worse in the last few months; he is afraid Monica may have Crohn's disease. Therefore he wants to do the two fistulectomies and a colonoscopy exam to see if Monica has Crohn’s disease, on October 5th, at the East Tennessee Ambulatory Surgery Center - Johnson City, TN. The Surgical Center cost is $1,567.00, the anesthetist cost is $855.00 and the surgeon cost is $500.00 a total of $2,922.00. We do not have the financial resources for the surgery, and we are praying for God to provide!
On Wednesday Sept 26, Monica started to have pain all over her body with many chills, she been sick in bed since, on Sunday one of the doctors came to our house. He thought she had the influenza (H1N1), however on Monday at his office the test for influenza was negative, urine infection negative, the doctor could not determine way she is having the terrible pain all over her body. Monica is taking pain medicine and antibiotic, however she still has the terrible pain all over her body. Even though the doctors do not know what is causing the pain, they still believe that Monica should go through surgery as schedule this Friday Oct 5th. Please, pray for her!


Give continuation to what we are doing right now:
o   Coordinate the work from a distance, not only in Brazil but also in all of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries, continuing to work in partnership with all of our co-workers in those countries.
o   Help them promote evangelism and discipleship and help newly-planted churches to grow.
o   Preach live online every Sunday at the Pirtuba Church.
o   Meet online weekly with the elders at Pirituba Church.
o   Maintain a daily connection with the members from the Pirituba Church.
o   Visit the work in Mozambique in June 2013 to visit the churches and start a “Hands On” Bible College there and for Monica to teach Jesus through the arts to Muslim students at the grade school (98% of the students are Muslims).
o   Visit Angola and Guinea Bissau in August 2013. Jeff has been invited to speak at their National Convention and we would like to examine the possibility of starting a “Hands ON” Bible College in each of these countries.
o   Work in Brazil during the summer of 2013.
o   When we bought our home in Brazil, we could only afford to purchase a home outside the city limits on a dirt road, however the lot was bigger than the city ones. The lot has .25 acre and 1,385 square feet of construction. However the house is strategically located, 15 minutes from Campo Limpo Pta, 25 minutes from Jundiai, 45 from Pirituba, 1 hour from Campinas and 1 hour and 45 minutes from Sao Mateus. This summer, we talked with our church leaders and asked them what the biggest need for our churches was; they all said the churches needed a retreat - a place where they could take couples, the leadership, the youth etc., for a weekend retreat. The lot beside our house is for sale; it is .25 acre and there is no fence between our house lot and the lot for sale. Therefore, Monica and I would like to purchase the lot in the name of Brazil River of Life Ministries and build a retreat there, joining the two lots. We would have a .50 acre for people to walk and enjoy their stay. We would like to use the retreat to accommodate teams that will come from the USA to visit/work with us in Brazil. The owner of the lot is asking $40 thousand for the lot, and to build a building with two bedrooms for 30 people each, a meeting and dining hall, a kitchen and the bathrooms, we will need $60 thousand; therefore we will need to raise $100 thousand for the whole project. The great thing is that the lot owner will accept payments for the lot, so we can give him a down payment of $16 thousand and make 24 monthly payments of $1 thousand each. We would like to build with handicap accessibility, and use the retreat during the week as an elderly daycare. This is a big need in Campo Limpo Paulista!
o   Receive teams from the churches that supports BRoLM and other groups that would like to come to visit/work with us in Sao Paulo.


o   Please pray for the Lord to keep our family safe and healthy.
o   That the Lord will give us good health and finish His healing as Monica recuperates from the removal of the brain tumor.
o   That we will have the resources to pay for Monica’s surgery.
o   That He will free us from all things that do not come from Him that may take us off course.
o   That we all will be able to go through school and do our best for the Lord.
o   That the Lord will use us for His honor and glory, in spite of us!
o   That we will be able to raise the support needed to keep up with the ministry to the Portuguese-Speaking World. The areas that BRoLM needs more support for 2013 are New Church Plant $720.00; “Hands-On” Bible College $7,000.00; Operations Expenses for Office USA: $5,230.00
o   That we will be able to raise resources needed for the Mission Trip to Mozambique; Jeff and Monica plan to go on this trip, however they would like to raise funds to take Isaac too. The Mission Trip for Jeff and Monica estimated cost is $5,300.00; if Isaac goes too, there is an additional $2,650.00.
o   That we will be able to raise the resources for the Mission Trip to Angola and Guinea Bissau; the estimated cost for this Mission Trip is $2,500.00.
o   For the resources to keep the “Hands On” Bible College operating, the need is $700 per month; the Bible College operates for 10 months - from February to June and from August to December.
o   That God will touch the hearts of the churches and individuals so we can raise the resources necessary to purchase the lot and build the retreat center.
o   That God will continue to bless the work in Brazil and Mozambique.
o   That He will give us grace so we can learn all He wants us to learn as we study, so we can be more effective in His Kingdom.

Thanks for your prayer and financial support - they are vital to our lives and ministry!

God is good, all the time; and all the time, God is Good!
In HIS Love and Service,

Jeff & Monica Fife
Missionaries/Executive Directors