
Prayer warriors,
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18NIV).
Today at the surgeon’s visit we received good news and not so good news!
First the good news! The surgeon said that the small surgery wound is 90% healed and there is no infection. Praise the Lord!
The not so good news! The large wound is 50% healed however there is an abscess (infection). Monica will take antibiotic for 15 days and if the infection does not go away she will need to go through another surgery to remove the infection. According to the surgeon Monica has a 50/50 possibility of having to go through surgery again.

doctor said that we should continue to pray and ask people to pray so Monica will not have to go through surgery again! We are blessed with Christian doctors that believe in a God that listens and answers prayers!
Thank you very much for your prayers, and, please, continue to pray for complete recovery!

are a blessing to us!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife


Dear friends and prayer warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

The month of October was full of activities!

(Click on the pictures to enlarge them!)

October is Children’s Month in Brazil and Oct 12 is Children’s National Day. For this reason we had many Children Outreaches in October.

Children Outreach at Mursa – Varzea Paulista Oct 6.

Children Outreach at Sao Mateus Church Oct 13.

Children Outreach at Campo Limpo Paulista Church Oct 14.

Children Outreach at Jundiai Church Oct 21.

On the first weekend of Oct., the churches in Southeast promoted a Women’s Retreat in Campinas.

Saturday Oct 13 the Elders and wives from Campo Limpo Paulista and Jundiai Churches met at Jundiai Church to pray together seeking God’s will for the churches before the elders meet to plan 2013.

The Sao Mateus Church promoted a Women’s Tea on Saturday afternoon, Oct 27.

On Saturday night, Oct 27, the Sao Mateus Church Youth Group did a Youth Outreach at one of the squares close to the church. At this square many young people get together to play soccer, and for other activities; however, many that hang around there at night are drug users. The Sao Mateus Church Youth Group intends to promote an outreach at this square every month. Please, pray for them!

The “Hands On” Bible College had classes on Oct 6! We need your prayers and support to keep on with the “Hands On” Bible College in 2013. Students will be graduating in June and we have new students that are starting! It is a priority for us to develop strong Bible base leadership for the churches in Brazil and for the future missionaries to the Portuguese-Speaking World for this reason the “Hands On” Bible College it is vital for BRoLM and for the Kingdom of God! Thanks for your support!

October this year was the last month of school in Mozambique; they do not have classes Nov-Jan because of the rainy season. This year the Hope School had 1053 students, and registrations for 2014 start in Nov. Before the rainy season all the church leaders, wives and members from the 64 villages’ churches got together in Oct. for the National Leadership Conference. This is a major event every year; the theme this year was "God’s Call" (Isaiah 6:8).

This year Juracema has devoted a lot of her time to working with the Macua women; she meets weekly with, them and she is very happy with the results.
 Thanks for your prayers for Monica…
Your prayers and support make it possible for Brazil River of Life to continue to reach the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ. Thank you very much!

God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife



Dear Prayer warriors, 
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. (Matthew 9:35). 
We were supposed to return to the surgeon’s office yesterday, but Monica was not feeling well and we re-schedule for today. Monica is feeling a lot better today and we just came back from the doctors’ visit. 
The good news! Monica does not need to continue with the packing anymore, as long as the drainage continues clear, without blood and fever she will continue on the way for recovery. Praise the Lord! She had a little fever yesterday and now that she will be cutting down on the pain medicine we will be able to know if she still has any infection inside her. 
If everything continues going well with Monica’s recovery, she will go back to see the surgeon in two weeks and if she does not have any more drainage, pain, fever and the two wounds are closed the surgeon believe that all the infection will be gone and she may not need any more surgery. Amen! 
Thank you very much for your prayers, and, please, continue to pray for complete recovery! Your prayers mean a lot for us and we believe in a God that listens and answer prayers!
Thanks for all the gifts, cards, meals, phone calls, text messages, e-mails, Facebook messages, Skype calls, etc., for all your words and actions of encouragement and support at this time of need! You are a blessing to us!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Jeff & Monica Fife


God is doing great things through BRoLM in Brazil; take a look at these 15 slides with 69 pictures. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them!)

Thanks for your prayer and support they are vital for us!