
APRIL 2015
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Then he told them: Go and preach the good news to everyone in the world.  Mark 16:15 (CEV)
Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings from your coworkers to the Portuguese-Speaking World!

Brazil River of Life Ministries' mission is to reach the Portuguese-Speaking world for Jesus Christ so they can reach the rest of the world. The vision is to REACH the lost through evangelism; EQUIP through discipleship; PLANT new churches; PROVIDE assistance and justice where needed. By offering the “Hands On” Bible College throughout the Portuguese-Speaking World BROLM is not only equipping through discipleship, but is making it possible for the nationals to be trained to evangelize, disciple, and plant new churches. Thus our focus in the last few years has been to prepare to make this possible among the Portuguese-Speaking World.

“Hands On” Bible College in Portugal

 In February/March Monica and I (Jeff) went to Portugal where my brother Robert has been a missionary for 27 years. During the time we were in Portugal we had the opportunity to meet with  leaders from the Church in Carcavelos to present the “Hands On” Bible College program. I had the opportunity to preach on the two Sundays and I taught  Leadership Development on the two Wednesdays we were there. On the second Sunday we were there, Monica and I helped with the worship team--Monica played the keyboards and I played the bass. It was a very productive visit; they intend to start the “Hands On” Bible College in September at the beginning of the school year. Between now and September they will be registering the new students and we will be sending the material from Brazil.

 “Hands On” Bible College in Guinea Bissau
In March I went to Guinea Bissau where Luciano and Andreia Rodrigues (Brazilian missionaries) have worked for the last 15 years. I visited the construction of a new grade school--the same facility where the “Hands On” Bible College classes will meet. In Guinea Bissau the students will come to this location once a month from Monday to Friday to study and then they will go back to their villages to take care of the churches through the rest of the month. The building should be ready by August and classes should resume in September. 
 During the time I was in Guinea Bissau I had the opportunity to teach the church leaders who will be the students at the “Hands On” Bible College and at the same time show them the material that we will be using. It was also great to meet with some students that studied with my father (Tom Fife) when he went to Guinea Bissau in 2005.
 An interesting part of the time that I was in Guinea Bissau, was an evangelistic event at 7 pm on a Saturday night. I thought it very interesting that they would schedule an evangelistic event when it is dark outside in a location where there is no electricity. When we were arriving at the location I could hear a loud sound. About 300 people were in a circle and a group of about 30 were singing. There were only 3 light bulbs, otherwise I could not see anything because it was all very dark. They had a generator for the sound system and the 3 light bulbs. One microphone for a male singer and one microphone for a female, a guitar, and a small electronic drum. The sound was very loud--so loud that it covered the sound of the generator and all the people talking and singing. However when it came time for the preaching, everyone was very silent and very attentive. When the invitation was given, over 30 people of all ages came forward confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Soon they will be baptized.

  On Sunday Luciano and I drove to Cacheu, about 80 miles toward the coast, to visit the first church they planted when they moved to Guinea Bissau. Brother Bebe is the one responsible for this church. It was great to have the opportunity to preach at this church; however the highlight was to take communion with them. What a blessing! 

 50 Years Celebration

In March we celebrated with Mom and Dad (Tom and Libby Fife) 50 years since they arrived in Brazil with four kids. They had two more while they lived there, including myself. We celebrated with Robert--27years since he and his family arrived in Portugal. And it was also dad’s 84th birthday. I thank my parents for accepting God’s call to ministry 55 years ago and for passing on the passion to us to reach the Portuguese-Speaking World for Christ!

Water Well for Mozambique
We have been trying to raise funds for the needed water well for the Hope Mission in Mozambique! Will you please consider helping us reach the $10,000 needed for the well? BROLM has received $1,500 for this purpose. We only need $8,500 to reach this goal. Please help them have safe drinking water!

Celebrate With Us
7 years ago on April 1, doctors removed a tumor from Monica’s brain. We are so thankful for what God has done, even though Monica still has some terrible headaches and sometimes she loses the control of the right side of her body. We are thankful that we have her with us! Praise the Lord!

God is doing great things through BROLM among the Portuguese-Speaking World, and your prayers and support are vital! Please continue to pray so the Lord will use BROLM more and more for His honor and glory!

May the Lord richly bless you in Christ Jesus!
God is good, all the time; and He is acting among us!
In HIS Love and Service,
Thanks for praying for us!
Jeff & Monica Fife