

Report of February 2021

#Somos Um #Life Together 2021 

  • On the 20th of February this year, we had the first day of three days a year on BROLM’s retreat of our first youth program day. It is a day at the retreat that was filled with adoration, learning the Word of God, fellowship (#LifeTogether), and fun games! Our Identity of the youth is #SomosUm, meaning we are one. Jesus prayed for us to be one as He is with the Father, and for us as believers to be one with our triune God (John 17:21). That is our identity, so many of the youth of Brazil will believe that God the father has sent the Son our savior. Our theme for 2021 is #LiveTogether, meaning vivendo juntos. We know we are many in the body of Christ, but we are One body in Christ Jesus (Romans 12:5). It was amazing we had 29 youth at the retreat with all the requirements needed because of the pandemic. However, I want to focus on the amazing day God provided. We had our youth service with one of the youth coming back to the Lord’s way. She was far from God and had a habit of smoking, but she said “I want to change and live for Jesus Christ!” She has been to all of the services since then. We had an amazing time of Life Together during lunch and free time. After we had our games, you had to answer the right questions according to bible verses, Biblical historical content, and other Biblical questions. We also had a pie face showdown. After that we had some food before taking the youth to their houses. It was amazing and we are thankful for the BROLM retreat that provided such a great time! Oh yeah we have the Life Together t-shirts! Here is a picture: 

Continue to pray with us for: 

  • Growth on people accepting Jesus Christ as savior, baptisms, and discipleship programs at the BROLM churches. 

  • Hands on Bible College. 

  • The youth program #SomosUm #LifeTogether2021. 

  • Please pray for Hope School in Mozambique! Their reserves of water are empty, so please pray for God to bring rain and provision of water. 

  • For the leaders of the BROLM churches to always preach the truth of the Gospel that is Jesus Christ. 

  • For all the ministries of the BROLM churches and services during the week and the weekends. 

  • The need for Food Baskets has become greater with the Covid, many people in our churches have lost jobs and have been sick with the virus. If you can help us purchase Food Baskets for US$15 each, we are in great need. 

  • As you can see on our video we do NOT have a Meeting Hall at the BROLM Retreat, we need a space to meet and to eat, thus, we are raising $48.000 to build the meeting hall if you can and would like to help us achieve this goal, please, write a memo RETREAT. Thanks

Thank you so much for your support through prayers and financially. Please contact us if you have any questions to Isaac @ isaac@brolm.org or Jeff @  fife@brolm.org 

Please enjoy our February report video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4EcckR7nVE